REDISCOVERING THE KINGDOM ORDER OF THE CHURCH FROM THE 2ND TO THE 21ST CENTURY The Church since the 2nd century has been wholly seduced to believe a mission and message outside of the Big picture God really ordained for man. For instance, many believe in an ecumenicalism but there is no such thing in the New Testament. Then there are many who believe concepts like once saved, always saved and other concepts that are no more than ideas man has conceived and given life to having cherry picked scriptures to form the thesis of what would ultimately become their theology or doctrines of acceptable belief. As Bishops I was always taught that the Bishops word is the final authority in all things concerning the Church like the Pope. He had governance over a jurisdiction in a region or territory designated his and dominated by pastors who pledged their loyalty to him as their leader as first indicated by their vote. It was only as I continued to study Church History and found that the early Church fathers, men like Polycarp, Ignatius, Justyn Martyr, Jerome and Origen to name a few became apologist so instead of preaching the same message Jesus and the apostles preached they took it upon themselves to endeavor to explain the scriptures as so to give understanding to the people but they failed in keeping the original assignment. These early Church fathers were the Bishops over the Churches from North Africa to Asia and all around about the cities, provinces and villages of the day. In that I learned that Bishops are really superintendents or custodians of the doctrines that the Pastors where teaching. In other words, the Bishops roles were to help the Pastors maintain the integrity of the doctrines that were passed down from Jesus and the apostles and it was a worthy office to which men of good reputation were not prohibited to aspire to. Today weve elevated Bishops to iconic levels and many of them have enjoyed the ride and have enriched themselves off of the ignorance and poverty of the people. Well in light of the doctrine of the Kingdom as Jesus preached it but most of us have never even studied it even though Paul preached it too (Romans 5:17; Acts 20:24-25; Acts 28:30-31; Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 4:20; Colossians 1:13; Colossians 4:11) the Church today that omits Jesus preached message of the Kingdom and its urgency, power and priority cannot be the Church God approves but rather is the Church today being reproved and thats alright if we all have the courage to repent in a childlike submission to Him. The Kingdom message Jesus preached and sent the disciples to preach, how can the Church be who Jesus called it to be without the message of the Kingdom present now and eternal to come? Todays apostles and prophets arent even taking the time to come back to the one who called them with noble callings to learn the message Jesus first gave His disciples that were rulers in training, and a great many of them have learned concepts of apostleship more from books written by their favorite authors than theyve gleaned from Jesus Himself who is the Word of God that lives forever. May every apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, bishop, deacon, elder and trustee and anyone and everyone who claims that Jesus is their Lord all learn to return to Jesus and His teachings on the Kingdom, what it is, its urgency, power and priority and our individual and collective responsibility to be the Church that Jesus is building. Do not lean to your own understanding in this regard but have the courage to make the changes necessary that Jesus again would be Lord, that we would not be lords over ourselves thus not acknowledging Jesus as Lord in all our ways. Ambassador, Dr. Leonard Robinson 267-357-9816
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 00:08:56 +0000

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