REF; KNUT/PRESS/88/ 10/2013 DATE June 26, 2013 PRESS RELEASE - TopicsExpress


REF; KNUT/PRESS/88/ 10/2013 DATE June 26, 2013 PRESS RELEASE THEME: REACTION TO KAMBI KAZUNGU’S PRESS STATEMENT ON LEGALITY OF LEGAL NOTICE NO. 534 OF 1997. Ladies and gentlemen we have seen and read in the media statements attributed to the Cabinet secretary for labor; and we are totally surprised by the ignorance displayed by the cabinet secretary. In fact we wish to take this opportunity to inform you that it has become apparent to us that this Cabinet Secretary does not know what a C.B.A. is; and we urge to quickly go back to school so that we teachers can educate him on what a CBA looks like. For the Minister’s information; 1. KNUT and TSC sat in the TSRC and agreed on recommendations that formed the 1997 Teacher Remuneration Order which was gazzetted as L.N No 534 of 1997 by the Minister for Education. 2. The high court of Kenya sitting in Nakuru delivered a judgment on 23rd October 2008 in HCCC No. 65 of 2006 recognizing the 1997 order as CBA; There after the court of appeal sitting in Nakuru hearing C.A No.300 of 2009 delivered a judgment dated 12 November 2010 in which it upheld the high court’s decision. Does the cabinet secretary want us to believe that in 16 years he is first genius to realize that there is no CBA? There can be only one conclusion; Obviously the cabinet secretary has no clue what a CBA is. 3. We have also noticed that the cabinet secretary is busy engaging unrecognized bodies in negotiating teachers’ matters; we wish to inform him that KNUT does not affiliate to COTU and that KNUT is a firm affiliate of the PUSETU-K. For the secretary engage COTU in teachers’ negotiations is an abuse to teachers’ intelligence and right of affiliation as enshrined in the constitution. We DEMAND that from now henceforth the cabinet secretary ceases any engagement with COTU over matters relating to KNUT and instead engage PUSETU-K. We are issuing a warning that should we find any COTU official in any meetings we promise to abscond. KNUT advises the cabinet secretary that he should not expect that this problem will go away by issuing arbitrary verbose statements in the press. He should know that these matters are sensitive and before he makes announcements, he should engage the TSC the employer of teachers and the KNUT; because it is only the Union through the Secretary General that can call off the strike; and teachers are behind their Union and will only listen to the voice of the Secretary General. Thank you all and God bless you. (XAVIER NYAMU) SECRETARY GENERAL K.N.U.T
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 16:45:28 +0000

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