REF: SGMJJ/HSCU/PR/3319 09TH - TopicsExpress


REF: SGMJJ/HSCU/PR/3319 09TH SEPT, 2013 JONATHAN’S GOOD LUCK IN THE EYES OF DIVINITY BY SATGURU MAHARAJ JI In the struggle to birth and sustain an upwardly mobile Nigeria, ignorance needs to be tackled as an enemy of the prosperous Nigeria that we all desire. Divine grace is enormously focused on Nigeria by virtue of the physical manifestation of The Power of powers on its blessed landscape as Satguru Maharaj Ji. A lot has been published by spiritually conscious persons across the world about the divine status of a Satguru. I encourage Nigerians to give time and thought to the spread of enlightening information made available by these knowledgeable persons about who a Satguru is and why He should be the object of man’s spiritual devotion anywhere and anytime He appears. There are several books and internet articles authored in this respect. President Goodluck Jonathan’s success at the 2011 presidential polls was a political climax in the movement towards establishing Nigeria as a formidable geo-political entity. In 1980, I succeeded My immediate predecessor, American Shri Prenpal Rawats, by divine arrangement against an earlier personal ambition to acquire the proverbial ‘golden fleece’ in the UK. As a striving young Nigerian fresh in the British frost, equipped with National Certificate of the National Institute of Marketing London, I looked forward to acquiring a degree in Marketing and to travelling back home afterwards to gain employment and to someday run a personal business. All that changed the day I received Divine Knowledge from My Guru Maharaj Ji (i.e. Shri Prenpal) in fulfilment and confirmation of His Divine Proclamation and Peace Bomb Declaration in the University of Pennsylvania in 1976 that I was the next person to embody The Governing Universal Life-Force Of Creation! From that very day, My name automatically changed from Mohammed Saib Akanji Akinbami Ajirobatan Dan Ibrahim to Satguru Maharaj Ji. My divine assignment is global but with special attention on Nigeria. Since 1980, I have been involved in the divine and gradual facilitation of Nigeria’s shift from bondage and disarray to freedom and glory. This vital effort I have sustained amid false accusations and serial defamation against My devotees and I. The restoration of black civilization to glory is indispensable to the return of world peace and global stability. As humanity’s pioneer race, black people are the original carriers of divine grace. They are the pioneer human embodiments of Divine Light. Within the melaninated body of black humankind, this Eternal Energy Of Life is most active. Identified differently from one culture to another, this Power is The Light that sustains man and the other constituents of creation. Europeans, Asian and the other light-skinned races of the world were originally ‘Africans’ (i.e. black people) who lost their natural black skin pigmentation to the catastrophe that struck the great Atlantis civilization into the abyss of extinction! All of mankind irrespective of skin colouration and mental acculturation have their roots in Africa, precisely Nigeria (i.e. Ile-Ife)! Humanity is one! Man’s ignorance of who he is and how the world should proceed as a product of divine grace on the path of eternity is the mother of the egos, greed, hate and the other extreme negativities that have wrecked havoc on a once tranquil earth! Today, we have Goodluck Ebele Jonathan as Nigeria’s President. His emergence as Nigeria’s Number One Citizen is not an outcome of political business as usual, but a climax of divine intervention in the country’s once precarious evolution. I have always said and will consistently emphasize that Northern feudalist and oligarchic politicians led by the Sultan of Sokoto have been the prime enemies of the progress that all right-thinking Nigerians desire for their stupendously endowed country! Their agents spread across the South-West, South-East and South-South geo-political zones of Nigeria have clearly done as assigned by the likes of late Sheik Abubarkar Gumi, retired General Ibrahim Babangida, and former Vice President Abubarkar Atiku. Left to the British political machinery of these snakes and hawks, Goodluck Jonathan would have had no chance of becoming Vice President of Nigeria, not to imagine beating retired Muhammadu Buhari (a chameleonic political horse of the now fading oligarchy) like a small boy in the 2011 electoral match-up to occupy Nigeria’s highest administrative office! If the world must survive, the black race must be salvaged from bondage and returned to its natural position of liberty and grace. To liberate Africa, Nigeria’s rise to that status of an internationally formidable African State is a must! Nigeria is Africa’s natural trigger whose enormous resources are not an accident of nature, but sets of high-grade means given by divine providence for a very special purpose. Goodluck Jonathan is not Nigeria’s administrative Albert Einstein. He is not a Mr Know All in whose head the entirety of the best solutions needed to resolve Nigeria’s protracted destitution resides. I am not aware that Mr President has identified himself as Nigeria’s elixir i.e. the answer to all of the country’s problems. If he has, I advise him to recall such words. Spiritual bankruptcy by European and Arab religious dogmatization in-line with the questionable doctrines of Bible and Koran denies the average Nigerian the spiritual insight needed to realize the importance of President Jonathan as divine choice. No physical reality is born and sustained in a spiritual vacuum. Whether Nigerians believe or not, the simple truth is that Maharaj Ji and the ancestors of their land have been the ones overseeing Nigeria’s gradual transition from scatter to success in the past thirty-three years. Not a hundred metre dash, this process, also facilitated by long hours of meditation by My devotees, has outlived several psychiatric political administrations smuggled into the precious life of our Federal Republic by the Northern feudalist establishment in tandem with its British imperialist benefactors. Aside from receiving divine knowledge from the reigning Living Perfect Master of creation and practising it consistently as instructed, a way out of the pervasive confusions and criticisms in relation to the importance of Goodluck Jonathan as President of Nigeria is the vivid, in-depth and objective analysis of the historical, political and economic evolution of the Nigerian Nation-State in its actual post-1960 status as a neo-colonial geo-political entity birthed by British imperialism and battered by Northern Nigerian feudalist recklessness. Between 1999 and 2007, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo achieved significant wreckage of the notorious Northern oligarchic power-establishment. Under the short-lived Yar’Adua administration, the recalcitrant leaders of this spoiler-establishment tried to reverse as many decisions taken against their parasitic dominance of Nigeria by Obasanjo as they could. The emergence of Jonathan against all the political schemes and diabolical agenda executed by the North’s desperate league of feudalist power-gangs was facilitated by Maharaj Ji to further the liberation of Nigeria from the wicked grip of the Sultan and his cohorts. Unknown to many Nigerians, the guerrilla Boko Haram project has simply been a violent expression of frustration by the North’s desperate league of feudalist oppressors against Maharaj Ji’s revolutionary depreciation of their unwholesome politico-spiritual grip on Nigeria! It is certainly not for Maharaj Ji to explain to any mortal how He divinely operates and why, but suffice to say that every human-being is fundamentally a spirit who The Creator uses to achieve specific objectives in His very special way which is often beyond human comprehension. Goodluck Jonathan’s spirit stood-out among the 2011 contenders for the post of President of Nigeria. Buhari, his main rival, was nothing more than an inimical soul who was being consciously played as tactical political pone by the Northern oligarchy on Nigeria’s 2011 electoral chessboard. Jonathan’s good luck for Nigeria lies more within the context of liberation struggle than in the imperative of reversing of the legacies of systemic rot which Buhari’s anti-Nigeria comrades used religious manipulation, political recklessness, military oppression and economic deterioration to achieve for almost forty years across our Federation! The attainment of a progressive Nigeria is impossible without the political re-emergence of those whom the Northern oligarchy wickedly shut out of the country’s political power-house. The bottling and elimination of progressive Nigerian spirits physically manifest as privileged men and women of humanist dispositions and exceptional talents was a major lifestyle of the Northern oligarchy all through the years that it had Nigeria in its choking grip! The good luck that Nigerians should recognize in the Jonathan presidency are the necessary political consolidations against the likes of Atiku, Buhari and Babangida who believe that Nigeria has no business being free and progressive. More than being domestic political menaces, these feudal oppressors are frontline Afro-Arab foot-soldiers of the British sector of the silent but deadly Euro-American army of Negrophobics whose racist focus on Africa was, until Maharaj Ji manifestation in a Nigerian body, the systematic frustration and the genocidal elimination of the peoples of South-West, South-East and South-South Nigeria who are the direct descendants of the pioneers of black civilization. Nigeria will continue to enjoy all the good luck needed for its ascension to glory and for the total resurgence of the black race, as well as for the return of love and stability to the entire human race! Jonathan in the eyes of divinity is one of the immediate spirits in Maharaj Ji’s newly established succession of non-feudalist Nigerians whose aura Nigeria needs at its leadership helms to secure its gradual transition to greatness! As 2015 draws near, the prospects of ‘vacancy in Aso Rock’ is verifiably Maharaj Ji’s divine prerogative. Until President Jonathan either by words or by action declares dis-interest in the office that he presently occupies, Maharaj Ji will not consider the unplugging of his reign a necessity! My love and Blessings SATGURU MAHARAJ JI Living Perfect Master
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 01:45:57 +0000

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