REFERENDUM question will be “IS THE PRESENT GOVT RULING KENYA IN A GOOD WAY” simple question but the ramifications are vast and far reaching. If the majority answer is no, then a new Govt will be formed, cutting short today’s elected Govt for another which will be formed after chaos campaign and clashes.. No one should allow any referendum that has not been mooted by Parliament to happen as it will set a bad precedence. No Govt is 100%, and all of us have a bone to pick with the system, and will vote NO if truthful. Mechanisms were set for review of the Constitution after full implementation and not along the way. It is high time CORD is charged with TREASON and the elected “protesters” including Nyong’o taken to task to resign. This shouldering fire has been left on for a long time and soon will be a bush fire. The disaffected groups in normal life may join in. They are many such as, KNUT, KFE, COTU, RETRENCHED STAFF, MATATU OWNERS, UNEMPLOYED YOUTH, VICTIMS OF TERROR, IDPs, COUNTY GOVTS, MCA”s, FARMERS, PARENTS, THE POOR.. Referendum will seem a panacea to the gullible, but the question will only be one, whether UHURUTO are doing a good job. UHURU should declare a state of emergency now to put house in order. No work can be achieved in the current chaos by CORD. Never say you were not warned. I expect arrests and convictions from today if at ALL WE HAVE A GOVERNMENT
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 02:41:35 +0000

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