REFLECTION : If the CONFAB fails; Nigeria remains NAKED. Fuji - TopicsExpress


REFLECTION : If the CONFAB fails; Nigeria remains NAKED. Fuji house of commotion abi. They say they want a united Nija but will not share resources equally, so who would agree here ? Its simply setting up for failure. Just one example. The nation is on auto destruct but let the dialogue continue, some how they will disagree to agree.. Note, remember what I said in the past....the nation is naked and the confab must not fail.....meanwhile while they jaw jaw, criminals are being returned to public service as they go about feeding the nation aroso rice, packaged in their names.....someone pls tell me Nija is not at her abysmal lows ?............T. Nammor Rot cannot fix rot, corruption cannot fix corruption, criminals cannot fix Nigeria neither can silence and subservience bring about uhuru...........The citizens are in bondage; acting like people under trance but again; who knows....they may just be under trance and hypnotism simply because it is highly abnormal to find a nation in the world going through what Nigerians are facing and no is evil, un-Godly and in-humaine.........LOOK at our nation and people.........they have submitted themselves like SLAVES to criminals....just look at the life of an average Nigerian today and how they reason..............Look at the polity; what do you see ? Those whom have been indicted are giving free passes and bill of right to return to public office and Nigerians line up behind them like fools; you know this man was a thief in the past and you come bow your head to honor him to come back .............Incredible. Where in the world do you find such happening ? How can sanity exist in an environment of serious insecurity, corruption and out right lawlessness; coming from both government and citizens. Te number one man in the nation tells the entire world that stealing is not corruption; corruption is not the problem of the country and many more and we think we are existing in a sane environment ?............Nothing defeatist in all i say but reality which many have not come to terms with. They will all destroy Nigeria beyond the imagination of many ........We are not half way yet in these drama and let no one go asking of solution are all over but they will never yield nor apply proffered solutions; they are set on auto destruct and it must be about them and what they want not about the masses............More Nigerians will die and be killed because they want power or want to stay in power...........Ben; the people are like sheeps in the wilderness and living lives of illusions and hoping for uhuru. YES , it is a cesspool and until the house s cleaned ....its just going to be same . We spoke in year 2000, all we said in 15 years is still about those who spoke before 2000 ? Please; any one proffering solution now to these goons is only repeating what others have done in the past; then they will fool you and throw your solution in the trash..........The nation has passed its time line and as you can see; the people are frustrated and channeling their anger on innocent Nigerians; wait until when the negative energies peak.................we are so getting there ! If the confab fails; the nation remains open.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:29:48 +0000

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