REFLECTION SUNDAY By Douglas Logedi Luhangala ON THE - TopicsExpress


REFLECTION SUNDAY By Douglas Logedi Luhangala ON THE MATATU Wednesday was a great day for me. I saw some coincidences that only happen by accident. After finishing my business in the CBD in Nairobi, I decided to head down to my home in Kahawa Wendani. Well, no reasons withstanding, I like occupying the back seat in the 14-seaters. I sat close to the window on the left. Opposite me, a man dressed in a grey suit sat quietly, talking to no one in the vehicle. Surprisingly, he was not even working on a phone, tablet, or anything to keep him busy. Between us, a social young woman sat. She was interactive and good in networking. We talked all journey long until the first ordeal of the day happened. We were so engrossed in a conversation with the young woman until I noted not that the conductor was collecting fare. I guess the conductor must have called out enough times. Our quiet neighbor had to remind us to pay. “Hey,” he muttered, “pay please.” I do not think I heard the last word clearly as it is. I also do not know how fast I opened the window besides me. The words were accompanied by an odor. At some point, I thought some animal had died and rotten within the vehicle. I wanted to alight immediately, and so did any other passenger close to the back. I cannot promise to tell you what was smelling in his mouth because I did not even have time to look and confirm. I struggled for fresh air. That was not the worst thing that happened. Together with my new friend, we alighted at Kahawa Wendani in order to avoid the “dumpsite” smell. Bad news! He alighted too. Putting on a slightly shorter trouser than his height, his socks were clearly visible. “NO!” I said to myself. “This is not happening!” Well, I may not have attended any training for dressing but I do not think a piece of black socks and another piece of yellow socks work together on different feet with the same person. That was hilarious! My friend laughed, but I held it back. Lessons? 1. You may be in a hurry to leave but try to check your dressing. It can distort your brand 2. When did you last brush your teeth? In other words, take care of your personal hygiene. 3. Keep negatives off before they negate your opportunities. 4. I hope the smell from your mouth is pleasant enough. What a week!!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 03:30:00 +0000

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