REFLECTION SUNDAY By Douglas Logedi TOP 9 SUCCESS TIPS FROM BARACK OBAMA 1. Credibility Barack Obama says what he does, and does what he says. The president does not promise miracles, but starts a dialogue about potential solutions. He consistently goes one level deeper than many other politicians who stay confined to talking points. He is topic oriented and does not preach ideologically. 2. Unpleasant truths are expressed Obama does not tell anyone just what he or she wants to hear. This was felt most recently by the strong pro-Israel lobby and Prime Minister Netanyahu, but also by the Iranian President Ahmadinejad. He can also say no in a friendly but firm manner, making his opposition to a matter clear. 3. No fear of resistance Obama is courageous. In his first 100 days, he signed controversial orders - like the closing of Guantanamo Bay and the ending of the use of torture - even against strong opposition in the US. The same is true for other hard issues like Afghanistan and Pakistan, Russia or Iraq; his actions show that he is not afraid of resistance to his policies and is willing to push them through. 4. He listens In speeches, meetings, and major decisions, President Obama has shown that he actively listens to his counterparties on every issue, engages their opinions, and understands their perspective. His speeches are more effective because he can summarize opposing views. He gives attention to all who make opinions, even those he strongly disagrees with. 5. Open for other opinions and a dialogue Obama is at rest in his family and acts as a role model for his children The presidents leadership style is inclusive and conciliatory; he includes others and encourages dialogue to come to a stronger understanding. 6. Sees himself as a person - and not as a superior American When you see yourself as superior to others, regardless of where you are from, you destroy your own ability to relate to others and gain their respect. What the world needs in all its leaders are responsible global citizens. Barack Obama is a global citizen, and interacts with people of other countries as equals - not as inferiors to be pushed around. 7. Surrounds himself with the best advisors Before and after the election, Obama chose true experts as his advisors to help write policy and to hold key cabinet positions. After winning, he opened up an application process for positions in the administration and made decisions based on merit instead of just political loyalty. By hiring the best experts, even those - like Hilary Clinton and Robert Gates - that could have been rivals, he puts divisions behind him and profits from talented experts giving sound advice. 8. Delegates responsibility Like any good manager, the President has to be able to delegate work and responsibility to others. Obama does this; he does not micromanage his cabinet, but gives them enough free rein to do their jobs. He stays informed about all fields, but let us others take initiative and responsibility. 9. Be there for your family, even if you are not around I dont miss the important things. I have not missed a dance recital. I have not missed a parent-teacher conference. However, there are some things I do miss, and those are some of the tradeoffs you make. But, look, there is no question there are sacrifices involved here. Id like to say that quality time replaces quantity, but sometimes it doesnt. You know, a lot of the best moments of family life happen spontaneously. If you have less time to devote to them, there are fewer of those moments. What Ive been able to do is create a zone of normalcy for my kids. Michelles been wonderful about that. I have been able to transmit to them my absolute interest in them and my absolute love for them. Dont become Barack Obama, become yourself guided by Barack Obama. Lovely Sunday to you and thank you for your following
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:00:01 +0000

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