REFLECTIONS: Leon Trotsky, in his The History of the Russian - TopicsExpress


REFLECTIONS: Leon Trotsky, in his The History of the Russian Revolution, wrote: The younger generations...[in Stalins Russia - VR] are being brought up in the conviction that the soviet power was won in the name of the creation of an independent socialist society in Russia. Trotsky pointed out that the Bolsheviks - under Lenins leadership - never had such illusions. In fact, Bolsheviks saw the seizure of state-power in 1917 merely as a bridge to a revolution in the west. In fact, he wrote: Up to 1917 the [Bolshevik] party never admitted even the idea that the proletarian revolution might be achieved in Russia before it was achieved in the west. For the Bolsheviks, Trotsky wrote, the problem of a socialist transformation of society its very essence international. In contrast to the October Revolution in backward Russia of 1917, a working-class revolution in an industrially advanced country within the western imperialist hub, under present circumstances, will irreversibly turn the world in a new direction. Such a breakthrough will inspire the masses all over the world and trigger the world revolution like wildfire. A historic global change may be approaching faster than many think. Today, the masses seem far more receptive to ideas of peoples democracy [in contrast to bourgeois democracy] & peoples power at commanding economic heights [in contrast to corporate-power]. Socialist revolution in a single major capitalist country may do wonders in this respect.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:27:32 +0000

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