REFLECTIONS for EASTER SUNDAY GOD EXISTS: that is the real - TopicsExpress


REFLECTIONS for EASTER SUNDAY GOD EXISTS: that is the real message of EASTER! said Pope Benedict XVI. True indeed! As St. Paul said, If Christ had not risen from the dead, vain would be our preaching! In a common parlance, preaching would mean nothing at all. It wont make sense. O, thank God, Jesus has risen!!! Furthermore, the good Pope Emeritus said, Anyone who even begins to grasp what this means also knows what it means to be redeemed. Struggling to overcome every difficulty to be holy as the Father is Holy, makes us understand that we wont stop the hurdle even if it appears to be the edge end of the fight. God exists...God is alive! is a stunning reality that keeps us living, yes, keeps us moving, therefore, keeps us holding the torch of life which is HOPE. This is the power of the redeemed, HOPE because it believes not on the fools thought that God is dead!, but on the truth that He is alive. Therefore, He exists and Hope lets us live it to the fullest. The Lord does not appear as a thing. He desires to enter into our lives, and therefore, his manifestation is a manifestation that implies and presupposes an open heart. Only in this way do we see the Risen One, said Pope Benedict XVI. As we open our hearts to welcome Jesus as part of our lives, letting Him live within us, the clearer will our seeing be of Jesus, not a thing to view, but the Risen One to embrace. When He enters our homes that is, our hearts, explosion of joy wrought about by change of heart and mind, the consequential effects of His divine indwelling, will better off the world not anymore a place to struggle with but a better place to live in, because God is allowed to exist, to reign and to influence. A funny story told by a friend priest. One day two pastors and a Catholic priest were discussing about the problem of bats in their respective churches. The church stinks and it looks like it disastrously distracts people during the services. A pastor said, I tried shooting them down with my air gun, but to no avail. They are too many to handle. Another pastor said, I used fumigation but the smoke doesnt help them leave. Ahhhh, I dunno what to do then. The Catholic priest butted in, Well, I made it simple. I sprinkled holy water and baptized them and right there and then, they became Catholics. The two pastors hang with awe on what the priest did. And, the Catholic priest continued, they have not come back to the church since then. This seems to be the reality that confronts us today about our Catholic brethren. On Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, they are EVERYWHERE, except IN THE CHURCH! The core message of Easter is - GOD EXISTS! And that leads us to grasp the truth of being redeemed by the Blood of the Victim, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son sent to save us all. He exists to live in us, only if we OPEN our HEARTS to Him. The more open our hearts be, the clearer we see Him, indeed as the Risen One, the POWER that destroys the power of sin and death! In renewal, conversion and change of heart and mind manifest among us that God is ALIVE! May we open our buckets of opportunities for the Risen One to renew, convert and change us. AMEN! Happy Easter to all! Happy renewing, converting and changing hearts and minds for God and to Him alone be glory and praise forever! God bless.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 19:04:33 +0000

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