REFUTING THE DELUSION OF A SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST MEMBER While in an online debate today, a Seventh Day Adventist said that the relationship between Mary and Jesus ended as soon as both died. I asked him: If what you say that, does your mother cease to be your mother when she dies? The SDA Member replied that: She ceases to be my mother after were both gone! Then the SDA Member said that Mary was sinful. Okay, i responded like this: If Mary was Sinful, would it have been reasonable for God to choose her as His Mother? The Adventist member resorted to other topics instead. SDAs have trouble defending their delusion that Mary was never a virgin and that Mary was sinful. In contrast it can be shown that they are grossly mistaken. Mary knew Jesus better than the SDA Cheap pretenders.The Eternal FATHER would not have chosen a sinful woman to be the mother of the Savior. It is sin moreover that Jesus Christ came to defeat and how could He be born in it? All things consecrated by God must be holy and pure from every defilement. If David, when he was planning the temple of Jerusalem, with a magnificence worthy of the Lord, said: This castle is not intended for man, but for the Lord God (1Chronicles 29:1), how much more should we believe that the Creator, having destined Mary to be the Mother of His own Son, would adorn her soul with every grace, so that it might be a worthy dwelling for a God. Thus the Father could say to this beloved daughter: As a lily among thorns, so is My beloved among women (Song 2:2). Daughter, among all my other daughters, you are like a lily among thorns. For they are all stained by sin, but you were always immaculate and always My friend. In the second place, it was befitting the Son that Mary, as His Mother, should be preserved from sin. Other children do not select their own mothers; but if this were ever granted to anyone, who would choose a slave for his mother when he might have a queen; or an enemy of God, when he might have a friend of God? If, then, the Son of God alone could select His mother, it is certain that He would choose one befitting a God. And God created her, by the nobility of her nature as well as by the perfection of grace, as a woman suitable to be His mother. God, Who is wisdom itself, knew how to prepare a fit dwelling for Himself. Wisdom has built her house (Proverb 9:1). How can we think that the Son of God would have chosen to inhabit the soul and body of Mary, without first sanctifying her and preserving her from every sin? For, as Saint Thomas says, the Eternal Word inhabited not only the soul, but the body of Mary. The Church prays: Lord, You did not shrink from the Virgins womb. Indeed, God would have shrunk from becoming flesh in the womb of any other holy virgin, since they were for a time stained with original sin. But He did not shrink from becoming Man in the womb of Mary, because this chosen Virgin was always pure from every guilt and never possessed by the devil. It was fitting that God should preserve her from original sin, since she was destined to stand in opposition to the devil: I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers (Genesis 3:15). Now if Mary was to oppose the devil, surely it was not fitting that she should first be conquered by him and made his slave, but rather that she should be free from every stain and from all subjection to the enemy. Otherwise, as he had in his pride already corrupted the whole human race, he would also have corrupted the pure soul of this Virgin. May the divine Goodness be ever praised for bestowing on her so much grace that she remained free from every stain of sin and could bear Him, Who would crush the devil. But it was especially fitting that the eternal Father should preserve His daughter from the sin of Adam, because He destined her to be the Mother of His only begotten Son. She was chosen in the mind of God, before every creature, to bring forth God-made-Man. If for no other reason, then, the Father would create her pure from every stain. It was fitting, that the eternal Father should create Mary free from the original sin because she was His daughter and His first-born daughter. She herself attests — Before all ages, in the beginning, He created me (Sirach 24:9)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:06:49 +0000

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