REGARDING BLOAT & BELOW NORMAL TEMPERATURES IN RABBITS People, please: If you suspect your rabbit has bloat DO NOT FEED him or her anything. Get to a rabbit vet. If your vet suggests that you feed a bloat rabbit (even small frequent amounts, *even oral medication*) - GET TO ANOTHER RABBIT VET! If you have **INJECTABLE** pain meds, administer some (per phone call to vet, or prior knowledge) and GET TO YOUR RABBIT VET. Take temp: If low, get bun on heating pad, in carrier, with a towel covering (dependent on how low) and GET TO YOUR RABBIT VET. Bloat is NOT GI Stasis. It is a radical accumulation of gas throughout the GI tract and it causes extreme pain. It can also cause other systems (cardiovascular, etc) to shut down, stomach rupture and death. SIGNS OF BLOAT: A hard, distended tummy, extreme pain +/- low temp (usually +) are the most common signs, slog with not eating, no feces/urine, depressed attitude, not activity. DO NOT FEED A BLOATED RABBIT. GO TO YOUR RABBIT VET. THIS IS AN EXTREME EMERGENCY.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:53:36 +0000

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