REGARDING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: On my way to work this morning I was - TopicsExpress


REGARDING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: On my way to work this morning I was listening to an excerpt on the radio where a male speaker was making an apology for something he said when speaking on domestic violence. When I heard what he was apologizing for an anger was rekindled in me that I didnt realize still existed. He had stated (paraphrased) that domestic violence victims should be careful not to PROVOKE. WOW REALLY!!! Now I know there are some EXTREME exceptions but for the most part, BROTHERS, there is no excuse. An abuser knows how to act in public. An abuser knows how to hold his peace and keep control in public. He collects friends and strives to gain the love and approval of all so that when the quiet victim decides to speak out or make a move he can say SHE PROVOKED ME AND IM SO SORRY. Then everyone looks at her as if shes the crazy one. Men UNDERSTAND men when an abuser says It wasnt for her mouth but they dont know what happens behind closed doors and they dont know how the abuser provokes the victim to say or do something so they can have a REASON to abuse. Bothers, Pastors, Leaders, WISE UP!!! Counsel these men. There are enough counseling opportunies for women...shelters where women can take their children and they can all continue to live like victims. I believe women are counselled because they will accept counselling and help. For the most part, men are to prideful to admit they have this problem. They dont want anyone to know about their secret life and, if they do confess it (usually after the victim comes forward) they put on their puppy dog face and act for the cousellor, say she provoked me receives his slap on the wrist, is given more responsibilities (to help him feel better about himself) and goes forward feeling cleansed until the next time. WOMEN...take care of yourself, do what you have to do to protect you and your children, dont wait until he has made a total fool of you (and youre not even aware of it). Call the police and have a report made so you can start a paper trail. If you havent reported anything and this has been going on for ten or fifteen years (because you wanted to handle it privately through the church or whatever reason) then it will be as if it just started and no one will believe you. Dont wait until he has collected all the players on his side. Be wise and trust GOD every step of the way because the devil is waiting to reek havok in your situation and there are plenty of players willing to take part. In the end God will restore you an hundredfold. Be PRAYERFUL, be WISE, COLLECT PROOF, TRUST GOD, and TELL SOMEONE. BE STRONG, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:29:50 +0000

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