REGARDING LINDA: Embracing Her Weakness! Yesterday my wife - TopicsExpress


REGARDING LINDA: Embracing Her Weakness! Yesterday my wife Linda, who has been having vision problems due to the modern day plague we know as diabetes, woke up with a severe headache she had suffered with the day before and a horrible feeling of nausea. I also woke up not feeling well and questioning God about the day ahead. She was scheduled to go in for her first injection in her left eye at 10 a.m. She was in three days earlier for the first (of up to ten) injection in her right eye. Theses injections are supposed to work over time to reduce the swelling behind the eye so as to clear her vision. As of right now she has a very hard time seeing things like written text and distinguishing things clearly from across the room. Our ministry partner Joan Reilly, Linda, and I prayed yesterday morning (that is if you want to call coming before God IN our absolute weakness prayer, which is what I believe REAL prayer is) before we left the house to take her to her appointment. We prayed specifically, asking God for a good report and that there would be some improvement in her sight. When we got to the eye doctor we looked at a cat-scan of the back of her eyes and saw the obvious swelling. Right after that Linda went into the room next door for her eye exam on the eye that had received the injection three days earlier and the first injection in her left eye. A few minutes later she came out of the office, she was smiling. The doctor was also smiling, and then she said, There is already a small improvement in just 3 days! She said at the first appointment, which was just three days earlier, not to expect any improvement until both eyes have had at least three injections, which would take place over a THREE MONTH period! By the look on her face she was obviously very pleasantly surprised. Linda said she even grabbed her hand and held it seeing she could see better in just three days. She even agreed with Linda that God was involved, and must have had something to do with it! We left the doctors office, all three of us rejoicing IN the faithfulness of our loving God, and later in the day Linda noticed the severe headache she had suffered with for the previous two days and the nausea were gone as well. There is a verse in the Bible that says something about a little here and a little there and another that encourages us to not despise the day of small things. Well, we KNOW the way our God works, and we KNOW that as we share IN (embrace) His sufferings we will also IN time share IN His Glory! And what is His Glory? And as Jesus passed by, He saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: BUT THAT THE WORKS OF GOD SHOULD BE MADE MANIFEST IN HIM. I MUST WORK THE WORKS OF HIM WHO SENT ME, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man works. John 9:1-5 And then His Spirit who is NOW at work IN me reminded me of the following powerful life transforming verse: For it is God which worketh IN you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 And NOW God has chosen to manifest His works IN and through Lindas weakness IN that same exact way. And though her physical sight may be impaired for a season, her REAL eyes, which are the eyes of her heart, are seeing clearer and clearer every day as she simply yields to Christ as her only Life! Please continue to pray that her sight be fully restored. Her next injections are next month, and we are believing God for great things, and IN her absolute weakness His strength will be her strength!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:23:17 +0000

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