REGARDS WHERE YOU WANT YOUR TAX DOLLARS DISTRIBUTED IN ANTEBELLUM AMERICA: THE CURRENT SERVICE SITUATION IN REVIEW Per LAURA LEE SOLOMON: Thank you for this study! I have shared it, of course. People have come to think of the Guard as part of the Military. Its role as a militia is very poorly understood by most. The Guard as as Militia and local in nature arent something you may have thought about in awhile. Or ever. Read this piece and answer my one question quiz: How do you feel about Obama taking the Apache helicopters away from the Guard and farming out the old Blackhawks to them now? Per DOUGLAS DIETRICH: I Herewith E-ttach Illustration of a Blackhawk In Action, Maam. It would all come down to Leadership and Creative Deployment -- both Elements Impossibly Lacking in The United States Active Branches of Service... ON THE STRUGGLE FOR AMERICAN AIRSPACE Herewith Debriefing on The Politics of Military versus Militia in The Battle(s) of The Budget and why The Taxpaying Electorate Must Side All The Way To The Tailspin with The USANG (United States Air National Guard) Against The USAF (United States Air Force) in The Struggle For The Future of Securing The Air which Your Childrens Children will (hopefully) Continue to Breathe ... The ANG (Air National Guard) has been with us as long as USAF, having been Established as a Separate Component of Said Branch of Armed Service circa Anno Domini MCMXLVII (1947 Commonal Èræ), National Guard Aviators Serving Significant Roles Prior Official Recognition as an Armed Air Force in All of Americas Wars and Most of its Major Contingencies Throughout Last Century Into The Third Millennium. Primarily Functioning as Our Eyes In The Sky, The US (United States) Air Guard (In Direct Opposition to The US Air Force) Gathers Intelligence In Air, Space and Cyberspace To Protect Our National Airspace. The US Air Guard Accomplishes Three (3) Missions By Way of Statement: ― To Support The US Air Force in its National Security Objectives (whatever such may supposedly be [as there has Never been Justifiable Rationalé for the very existence of USAF -- which is Maintained Solely for Purposes of Offense]). ― To Protect Life and Property and To Preserve Peace, Order and Public Safety. ― To Participate in Local, State and National Programs. The US Air Force, on the other hand, accomplishes absolutely nothing ... Faced with the need to Reduce Spending by Five Billion United States Dollars (U$D4.8B [U$D4 800 000 000]) Under This Year’s Budget, Air Force Leaders want most of the Cuts to come from The Air National Guard. Congress Disagreed and the fight over where to Cut in The Future continues. The Air Force Submitted an FY13 (Fiscal year 2013) Budget under which The Active Duty Force Absorbed only Seventeen Percent (17%) of Unit Cuts, even though Sixty-Seven Percent (67%) of Air Force Personnel are on Active Duty. Congress Reacted furiously, Forced a Compromise, and Created a National Commission on The Structure of The Air Force to Report Back before any Further Decisions are made. This fight illustrates that US Defense Choices are rarely based on any External Objective Standard, no matter how many Spreadsheets or PowerPoint Presentations are waved around. Instead: Choices are oft based on who can muster the strongest Political Argument. In This Case: Congress’ Argument for The Guard has been rock hard for Over a Century and The Air Force has been getting smaller for Decades. This Undermines The Air Force argument that making The Active Force smaller is just too hard to do. Congress Role in Maintaining The Militia (Predecessor of The National Guard) is one of its Enumerated Powers in The Constitution. But in La Fin du Dix-Neuvième Siècle de Notre Seigneur (The Late Nineteenth Century of Our Lord) State Militias could not Perform as well as desired due to Lack of State Financial Resources with which to Invest in Armament(s) and the Training Requisite in Deployment of such. While the Need for Reformation was obvious, The Regular Forces’ Prospectus was to Abolish The Militia(s) by which The Taxpaying Electorate Defended itself against Potential Imposition of Martial Law as Enforced by Our Armed Services Under Executive Order(s). Instead: Congress Organized The Militia(s) as The National Guard (Overseen Federally) prior World War I (1914—1919 [sic]). This rendered The Militia(s) an Independent Military Force Owing Allegiance as much to Congress as The Executive or The States. Over a Century (One Hundred Years [100+ yrs]) Later: Congress Remains Committed to Maintaining Allegiance of The Guard In Potential Advent of a Second American Civil War Against an FDR-Inspired Dictatorial Executive. Although The Active Air Force is Over Three Times (3X+) Larger than The Air National Guard, The Active Force is Geographically Consolidated, with Nigh Half its Assets (Forty Percent [40%]) Stationed in just Half-a-Dozen (Six [6]) of Our Half-a-Hundred (Fifty [50]) United States (hardly the Standing Posture of a Force In Readiness). In Contrast: All Senators and most House Members have Guard Members as Constituents, with No State holding Over Five-and-a-Half Percent (5.3%) of Guard Personnel. Each Guard Unit Represents a cohesive Network that reaches out into Family and Friends, creating an important Voting Bloc rooted in Community as Opposed to a Military Mafia as Manifest in USAF. This Dispersion also makes The Guard an important Local Validator. Most Members of Congress make certain to Appear at Memorial Day and Fourth of July Events and make it a point to be seen (and Photographed) standing beside Uniformed Members of The Military. For The Few Communities Hosting an Active Base, The Uniformed Military Member is probably The Base Commander. But at most Events The Military Member will be Your Local Guardsman -- provided The Local Member of Congress has not become anathema to Your Local Guard. Congress Retains The Guard for the very reason The Active Forces seeks its Dissolution: Most of The Time The Guard Reports to a different Boss. As Former SECNAV (Secretary of The Navy) -- Republican American PaineWebber Investment Bankster and Founding Chairman of the Private Equity Firm JF Lehman & Company JOHN F LEHMAN, JUNIOR (b[irthed] 1942—[aged 71 yrs]; USAF Reservist & US Naval Reservist; groomed into Position[s] via The National Security Council [1969—1974] Under Republican Transnational ציוני [TeSYeVNeY, or Ƶionist] Secretary of State הנרי אלפרד קיסינגר הישבן [“HENREY ‘HEYSHEBN’ ALEPRED QEYSSENEG’‘GR, or HENRY ALFRED KISSINGER]: Bronze Star Recipient [WW—II], Nobel Peace Prize Recipient [1973], President’s Medal of YIƶhrǽl [Isrā‘el] Recipient [2012], born a Citizen of Deutschland [Germany] in Dæirs Deutschen Demokratischen Republik [“The German Democratic Republic”] as HEINZ HEINIE ALFRED KISSINGER, 1923 [The Same Year my own Late & Sainted Mother Entered This World]—; Sergeant, US Army CIC [Counter Intelligence Corps: Infamous Throughout Europe for Implementation of Torture Tactics in Human Rights Violations], 970th CIC Unit: 1943—1945; Commandant, Bensheim Metro CIC “De-NAƵIfication” Detachment [Bergstrasse District of Hesse]: 1945—1946; Civilian Instructor, Camp King European Command Intelligence School: 1946—1947; US National Security Advisor: 1969—1975; 56th US Secretary of State: 1973—1977; Assistant to the Office[s] of The [US] President, National Security Affairs: 1969—1975; Chairman, Kissinger Associates International Consulting Firm: 1975—; confer “THE NONALIGNED NATIONS’ TRIAL-IN-ABSENTIA OF TeSYeVNeY [ƵIONIST]-AMERICAN WAR-CRIMINAL HENRY KISSINGER” @ – John Lehman, Jr, himself being Appointed as 65th US Secretary of The Navy [1981—1987] and Later Selected Member of The 9 / 11 Coverup Commission [2003—2004]; thereafter Acting as Republican Presidential Campaign Advisor to SENIOR SENATOR, ARIZONA, JOHN SIDNEY MCCAIN III [b1936—], c[irc]a 2008 and Again Same to MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR WILLARD MITT ROMNEY [b1947—], ca 2102; The Junior Lehman is Currently Onboard both The National Security Advisory Council for The CSP [Center for Security Policy] and The Board of Trustees for the Federally-Contracted Think Tank FPRI [Foreign Policy Research Institute], as well as still Retaining Seats on Several Corporate Bailout Boards per his Experience[s] Contractually Launching The Reagan-Èræ 600-Ship Navy Building Program from which he Personally Benefited by Millions of US Dollars [U$D1 000 000s]) -- once Wrote: “Without Congress, the executive would almost certainly have reduced the reserve components of the services to nearly zero.” When an Enemy of Yours and Mine Scribes such Admission, We had best take Note. In Contrast: Decommissioning The Active Air Force Benefits Us All -- The World Over. The Air Force’s Inventory of Fighter and Attack Aircraft has shrunk for a Quarter-of-a-Century (Twenty-Three of The Last Twenty-Six Years). Today’s Aircraft Inventory is Forty-Five Percent (45%) of The Last Peak in The Mid-Nineteen-Eighties (1980s), which was Nigh Half (Forty-Eight Percent [48%]) of The Peak of The Mid-Nineteen-Fifties (1950s). Given the Acquisition Decisions already made, Reductions are almost certainly going to Continue. The Air Force Consciously Accepted Shrinkage even prior Today’s Budget Pressures in order to preserve its High-End Capabilities. In 2006: An Official Air Force Publication Stated: “We value quality over quantity – even as we grow smaller, we grow more capable.” Most unfortunately: While it is Contracting in Force Ratio(s), The Air Force is hardly starved for Funding. Although Only One Hundred and Eighty-Seven (187) F-22 Fighter Aircraft have been Purchased by The Air Force since Anno Domini MM (2000 Commonal Èræ), The F-22 received more Procurement Funding than any other Program in The DOD (Department of Defense) during this Period. The Air Force’s C-17 Military Transport received The Secondmost. Circa 2003: Active Fighter Jets made up Over Half (Sixty-Four Percent [64%]) of The Air Force’s Total Force Fighter Inventory. The Air Force has since Retired Half-a-Thousand (Five Hundred [500]) Fighters, yet Today Active Fighters still comprise Over Half (Sixty-Four Percent [64%]) the Total Force. In 2003 Active Lift Aircraft comprised Nigh Half (Forty-Six Percent [46%]) of the Total Force. Now they constitute Over Half (Fifty-One Percent [51%]). The story is similar for Units. Over a Score (Twenty [20+]) of Active Fighter Squadrons were Cut in The Last Decade (Ten Years [10 yrs]) – a Reduction of Thirty-Two Percent (32%). But in that same Period Over Ten (10+) Guard Squadrons were Cut – a Reduction of Nigh a Quarter of The Air Guard (Twenty-Four Percent [24%]). Such Figures are hardly Record of Disproportionate Cuts between The Rival Services. We must do our best to Rectify that. While The Active Air Force has steadily been getting smaller, it is still all too Capable of Perpetrating Terrorism Abroad. In both Републиканска Царства Велике Србије (Republikanska Carstva Velike Srbije [The Republican Empire of Greater Serbia]) and The Opening Phase of Operation: Iraqi Freedom, Only About Three Hundred (3C [300]) Air Force Fighters Flew, yet both Operations were Great Airpower Successes (Against Civilian Populations Lacking In Any Discernible Air-Cover). In The Former الليبية الشعوب الاشتراكية العظمى الدولة العربية من الجماهير (“Ǣhl-ǦJumhūrīyyàht Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh Ǣhl-Lībīyyàh Ǣlṣh-Shäabīyyàh Ǣhl-Ishtirakīyyàh Ǣhl-Ŭzma [The ‘Great Socialist Peoples’ Libyan-ʿAräabïï State of The Masses’]”) -- a State already sundered beforehand by American-Sponsored Insurgency -- it was Less Than One Hundred (100) Fighters. As The Air Force is Only Called On to Massacre The Helpless it has needed only a Sixth (Seventeen Percent [17%]) of its Fighter Force to Respond. In Conclusion: Congress is not interested in Projection of Airpower (Functionally The Perpetration of Mass-Murder), Overseas but in how to Ensure a Viable and Independent Guard. The Air Force must stop pretending it has no choice but to Cut Our Guard, while We The People must Appeal to Congress to Decommission this Band of Pampered Sky Pirates. Toward(s) Realization of Closure of The Bottomless Budget Black Hole of USAF: The American Body Politic must be made Aware of The Roles Performed by Active Components (which have absolutely no bearing whatsoever on Domestic Security and / or The National Defense) as Opposed to Those Fulfilled by The Guard, which are of Immediate Pertinence to The Citizenry per its Air Sovereignty Mission Over The Continental United States. Which is The Lesser Mission: Service(s) Rendered Unto Us Amid Disaster(s) Natural and Otherwise or Murdering Others In Advancement of Conspiring Interests? Congress must be Petitioned to embrace a true Total Force with the Totality of Fighters and Lift Aircraft Transferred to The Guard -- which would itself Integrate Associated Units composed of both Guard and Subordinated Active Units (Active Units Serving Under Command of Guardsmen). All Airpowered Operations would thereafter Deploy Airpersons we know and trust per Objectives Relevant to Community (as antithetical to Conspiratorial) Interests. Only Than May We Breathe Free Air .... Find and contact your Congress members by phone, email or fax at Congress Merge FAMILIARIZING YOURSELF WITH YOUR SIDES FORCES IN A SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Per MIKE MATTHEWS: Thanks,Mr.Dietrich,very informative,and very sound reasoning,perhaps you might enlighten us,or point us in the direction for info on: 1) The Command Structure of the National Guard, 2) The budget and funding of the Guard. Per DOUGLAS DIETRICH: 10-16 - Chapter 3 - Command and Control: Command and Control of Military Forces in the Homeland @ ; Special Forces Structure - Army National Guard Forums @ ; National Guard Fights For Cyber Role In 2015 Budget @ ; Guard and reserve units fight for funds amid budget cuts @ ; A User’s Guide to the Fiscal Year 2015 Defense Budget @ ; & What The Pentagons Cuts Mean For The US Air National Guard @ . --- Douglas Duane Dietrich
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:50:42 +0000

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