RELATIONSHIP A RELATIONSHIP can be defined as the degree of - TopicsExpress


RELATIONSHIP A RELATIONSHIP can be defined as the degree of kinship; it’s also the tie or intimacy that one has with God, another person, etc. The relationship between human beings occurs in the following ways. 1) People bound by blood e.g. mother & son, cousins, sisters, brothers, etc 2) People bound by purpose or goal. 3) People bound by natural or emotional affections/ Love 4) People bound by location & circumstances i.e. living in the same town/ estate, attending the same church/ school, etc In one way or another and in whatever form people develop relationships. The strengths of these relationships vary depending on the objectives of their formation. A PERSON’S POSITION IN LIFE, SUCCESS OR FAILURE revolves around his/ her relationship with others. Some relationships can give WINGS to one’s destiny to fly while others SPELL DOOM to one’s destiny. Toady am going to tackle the type of relationship number three (3) above: a relationship is bound by natural or emotional affection/ love. “ECCLESIASTES 4: 9 – 10 the Bible states that:- “ Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; But woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” Love is a treasure and important to one’s destiny. We both need one another for one reason or another. No person is an island and everybody needs to be loved and cherished. We were all created by God and the scriptures tells us that God is love; since we are the work of HIS hands we have no choice but to love one another irrespective of their gender, creed, race or tribe. “GENESIS 2: 18 the Scriptures says:- “ …..And the LORD God said; it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help met for him……” this scripture clearly shows that the Almighty God ordained LOVE between man and a woman (not between a man and his fellow man or a woman with a fellow woman) and the two should be together and make up a family. Further to that He did not say that the woman is from this tribe or the other; in a relationship tribe/ creed matters not and what matters is the bond between the two. Generally a man is known for his physical strength and a woman for her weakness, how ever inasmuch as a woman may look or be described as weak; our Omniscient God knew that man would be miserable without her. Strong and fertile a man may be, he needs a woman to reproduce. Further God thought it wise to entrust the woman with carrying of the embryo because inspite of the strength, men tend to be rough and careless and that is why God could not entrust them with carrying of the womb and gave the responsibility to the woman thus it brought the art of marriage/institution of marriage between a man and a woman. It is not a crime to fall in love with someone who is not from your tribe, country or race. Its normal and healthy to fall in love with anybody but it must be true love and not obsession. REMEMBER: if you are in a relationship that does not bring you joy and happiness you better quit it because a relationship has to be enjoyed.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:37:28 +0000

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