RELATIONSHIPS: A SHORT GUIDE FOR MULTIDIMENSIONAL FOLKS As human beings from time to time we do experience peaks of ecstasy and love, merging into one another and unveiling our original unity. Yet, if we are unable to understand the difference between the physical (third dimension) and the emotional (fourth dimension) the same ecstasy and love inescapably turns into terror, resentment, hate and the most horrible grievances. This is what occurs in most human relationships behind their apparent romance and fascination. This is also the grievance that keeps being recycled collectively from one generation to another. Bridging the fracture between fourth dimension (emotional body) and third dimension (physical body) is the primary healing enterprise for gaining multidimensional awareness. This fracture is the crucial zone of all pain, traumas and wounds. In the above respect the first healing step entails acquiring an unbending integrity and pragmatism regarding physical interactions. This strategically involves developing and strengthening skills in intention and agreement setting, endurance and completion. The measure of assessment of the integrity in relationships is based on the awareness of mutually and formally acknowledged healing agreements, as opposed to hidden agendas, emotional blackmail and assumptions. A healing agreement is such when it can be acknowledged and measured at a physical pragmatic level, and not on arbitrary emotional postulations. The training ground for honourable relationships is the integrity of pragmatic healing agreements with other human beings. A customary objection is that living a life based on agreements, inhibits spontaneity and the excitement of life. This may be true. Yet agreements here are healing strategies and not dogmas or fixed rules. On my part I can be far more spontaneous and liberated when I relate with people that honour agreements and boundaries, without manipulating with their emotions or hidden agendas. Having transparent agreements also prevents me from doing the same. Emotions are sacred collective energies, which can be used to manifest healing intentions. Among such emotions love is the most manipulated and abused of all. Here genuine love in the end involves being able to love someone to the extent of letting him or her go, yet without affecting in any way that love. When people are not open to respect the boundaries of agreed contracts and persist in wanting you to fulfil their fourth dimensional fantasies regarding their paradigm of love, they end up building a cage from which it can be very hard and painful to get out. Here it is vital to let go of them before it is too late. Yet again this does not mean to withdraw the love, which for a person on the path will still be there, at times also pragmatically available, although the partner involved may not perceive it. The problem with shamanic or multidimensional oriented folks is that their capacity to love is much larger than ordinary people. For them the relationship continues also when the relationship has apparently ended, just like life continues after death. Their love is not based on a third dimensional perspective, which acknowledges only the physical body. It embraces the soul level encompassing both third and fourth dimension. Issues usually come from a third dimensional environment which is in fearful denial of the fourth dimension. This brings accusations to multidimensional folks of not making any sense, of being detached, distant, unable to open one’s heart or promiscuous. While this blaming may be legitimate in some cases, which is something these folks usually have no problem to concede, it is often rather unfair since multidimensional oriented people are much more sensitive than others. They feel the grievances their partners go through and their level of empathy is such that they can rarely make any difference between their feelings and their partner’s. This is because they dwell mainly in the fourth dimension and in that realm emotions are collective and do not belong to anyone. As a result, when their partners are in pain and insist on having a narrow perspective, shamanic folks cannot be of any help for their perception is based on a much wider configuration. Nevertheless their empathy and compassion may be such that they can release their expanded awareness and dive into their partner’s limited configuration with the genuine desire to be of service. The fatal risk here is that they can experience the most unbearable tortures if they get trapped in their partner’s cage and lose sight of the configuration they truly belong too. The capacity to take this risk in a pragmatic and responsible way is a basic requirement for multidimensional oriented folks on the healing path. This is crucial to the collective expansion of consciousness. Of course, this may appear most scaring and yet behind the wall of fears blessings may await. For the complete article see: astroshamans/2011/01/healing-relationships-short-guide-for.html © 2004 Franco Santoro, [email protected]. All rights reserved. For details on individual consultations, workshops and courses with Franco Santoro, contact [email protected] or click astroshamans/p/consultations.html. If you would like to organize events with Franco Santoro, or wish to have more details, please contact Franco at [email protected] or [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 19:58:11 +0000

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