RELATIONSHIPS, MARRIAGE.. TO END IT OR TO KEEP GOING? it is nights like these when my mind tends to be the clearest. all day i have been thinking about people who decide that enough is enough and consider ending their relationship/marriage and all the unsaid feelings behind it. why is it that when someone wants to call it quits, the people around them encourage the decision instead of trying to help make it better? is it because people rather an easy way out? i have friends in this situation.. friends who i know are unhappy or go in and out of love and seem lost at times with their mates, but as sad as the situation may be.. i am not the type who will throw their man/lady under the bus and be like yeah girl leave his ass he aint shit you can do better without him.. when i know them two got a gang of kids, a home, a life! they have made together from YEARS of ups and downs. i get it that some things cannot be fixed but most can. we all wish our marriages were perfect and that we could be together forever and everything was a perfect fairy tale.. but it is not, i know. i am not trying to say my marriage is perfect but i can at least speak on my behalf when i tell you girls that the grass is not greener on the other end. please give your commitments a serious try and try and try again.. and i am not saying do it for the kids, but for yourself. i hate seeing broken down women alone bitter mad at the world who decided that she could do better without him and with all her encouraging friends egging her on she decided to call it quits and now is hopping from guy to guy in search of the love SHE HAD! i know you are beautiful.. any guy would be lucky to have you and you may even be getting attention from all kinds of dudes who right now seem like exactly what your heart desires.. because your man just aint cutting it right? 5,10,15,20 years thrown away because growing up and all the responsibilities of being a mom and a dad and work and bills etc is just looking like too much? please reconsider.. cant no one replace all the memories you two have.. the dreams you have built together. i know you have probably put up with a lot of shit, so have i! but remember that so has he! we arent perfect baby dolls.. just like there is things you cant stand about him, there are things he probably cant stand about you but there is love right there i mean there has got to be right? you didnt fall in love just pretending right? there is always ALWAYS going to be good days and bad days and EVERY SINGLE GUY OR GIRL you find is going to have some kind of issues/things you arent going to like after being with them for so long.. so why lose what you have to go chase a new piece who is going to soon enough be the same type of mess in one way or another as your current? please reconsider.. keep pushing.. i like seeing married couples survive bullshit and stay strong having each others back regardless of what the world says. you arent stupid for trying to work things out.. you have love for this person thats why you do that& love is nothing to be ashamed of. ❤️
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 06:24:18 +0000

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