RELATIONSHIPS: Not all relations are meant to be permanent, - TopicsExpress


RELATIONSHIPS: Not all relations are meant to be permanent, striving to make some permanent might make you a life time loser. Some should just be allowed to die a natural death. Other relationship can last for a moment due to its brevity . For why will you continue to drag an unwilling horse, or a fair weather fellow that surfaces when in need or disappears when the weather becomes inclement. All relationships are determined by force of value . The value you place on a relationship shall determine how long it survives the stormy days. You soon lose any relationship(s) you do not value. It is wise to take a circumspect inventory time to time; in order to see which excess luggage to cast over board. Any relationship not meaningful or that does not add to you in wisdom and grace soon becomes a burden, and sooner or later would be discarded or treated with nonchalance. To stay afloat, to keep it juicy and lively there should be reciprocity of kindness, for relationships wane if it is not reciprocated. If your relationship adds to no one they soon will all go adrift further away from you. People naturally moves in the direction of those who add to them, those who value them, those who are stronger, and multiply their virtues. Should there be a mountain you find difficult to tunnel through, a helping hand from someone could begin a lasting relationship. The person that appears at your moment of need leaves a lasting impression on your which you feel you owe due benevolence. Relationships that sticks tightly like a stamp on an envelope has its boosters, the absence of these boosters could deflates a swelled balloon and can not take anywhere. A boosted relationship would always swell above the storms, valleys and mountains. Its rises above the blue skies to the admiration of others. Of all boosters ,Sacrifice far outweighed other boosters because it sees and experiences the frailty of the others and strive to maintain its position. It is really sacrifice because it was willing to give its all. If it is not willing to give its best then it is just a mere donation to the relationship. God did not donate His son to humankind, He gave a painful sacrifice-it was His all, it was His best. It is such relationships that is premised on Sacrifice that transcend ages even after death. It is sacrifice that elicits through love, genuine commitment and leadership. Leadership itself becomes a great tower of strength on the crucible of sacrifice. It places value on the followers, while the leader receives an unquenchable following.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:27:55 +0000

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