RELEASE FROM HYPNOTIC DOMINATION ! DECREE ! MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, GREAT HOST OF ASCENDED MASTERS, MIGHTY LEGIONS OF LIGHT, MIGHTY LORDS OF THE FLAME FROM VENUS, GREAT COSMIC BEINGS, AND GREAT COSMIC LIGHT ! Sweep YOUR VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME through the consciousness of MANKIND , the EARTH and ITS ATMOSPHERE ! EVERYWHERE ! Annihilate ALL human SUGGESTIONS and HYPNOTIC DOMINATION from the face of the EARTH ! FOREVER !! GIVE each individual THIS complete and ETERNAL FREEDOM !!! SEE that each THINKS and FEELS only the VICTORY of this PRESENCE !! INSULATE every human being within the MAGIC ELECTRONIC TUBE of ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT SUBSTANCE which cuts him FREE FOREVER ! from all qualities but the PERFECTION of this MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and the ASCENDED MASTERS! Lift blessed, beloved humanity into the full consciousness acceptance of the I AM PRESENCE, and HOLD every human being within the VICTORY of THE LIGHT of GOD that NEVER FAILS!!! Annihilate everything that DARES to interfere with the EXPANSION of the LIGHT of any human being on EARTH !!! BLAST ALL such causes and effects from existence FOREVER !! SEIZE! the attention of the MIND, BODY,BEING and WORLD of every human being on EARTH !! SEIZE ! the VISION , SIGHT, and HEARING of every human being, and anchor it wholly on his own I AM PRESENCE, the very SOURCE of his own LIFE!! Cut ALL mankind FREE from the MAGNETIC PULL of EARTH, the things of EARTH and all human creation, that everyone may UNMISTAKABLY feel his OWN FREEDOM and DOMINATION !! and keep it forever SUSTAINED !! WE , say to BLESSED HUMANITY EVERYWHERE !!! AWAKE !!!! AWAKE !!!!!!! AWAKE !!!!!!!!! AWAKE!!!!!! AWAKE !!!! AWAKE!!!!!!!!!! !! to this FULL CONSCIOUS ASCENDED MASTER KNOWLEDGE of your OWN I AM PRESENCE ! BE ! 100% LOYAL TO YOURSELF, THE ASCENDED MASTER PERFECTION of the LIGHT !!!!! REACH UP !! and TAKE ! your SCEPTER ofd DOMINION, produce PERFECTION and HOLD IT FOREVER !!!!!!! THE VICTORY !! of the AGES IS AT HAND !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !! THE VICTORY !! of the LIGHT !!!!!! !!!!! !! is at hand - THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER NEVER NEVER ! FAILS !!!!!! !!!!! and IS FOREVER SUSTAINED ! BLESSED , beloved HUMANITY , OUR LOVE and our LIGHT of the MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE! is GREAT ENOUGH to lift YOU into the LIGHT once again, and so shall YOU BE FREE !!!!! WE. THANK THEE , MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE! , THOU dost ALWAYS ANSWER our EVERY CALL , instantly, infinitely and ETERNALLY !
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:31:59 +0000

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