RELIGION AND SLAVE THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE.@ Religion was vicious to the African race and still is even unto this day. As we look at the Negro in his present confused state we are forced to consider what happened to the African people or what caused them to descend from the highest place to the lowest among the people of the world. It will come as news and even as a shock not only to the unlearned but also to educated Negroes to realize that the black race were once the leading people on earth; that Egypt constitutes a part of the black race; that the blacks are the true pioneers in the sciences, medicine, architecture and writing; and the first builders in stone. But even though I have told you these things, the big question comes up again – WHAT HAPPENED? How was it possible that civilization which had its birth in Africa is not only passed away but is unknown to the majority of black people. As I preach black theology daily, I get many letters asking questions such as this one: If it is true that we were once at the top, how did we fall so low? What happened was simple! First, the slave masters turned us away from our God (Deut 6:14-15; Deut 11:16; Deut 13:12-15). Secondly, they change our names (Daniel 1:1-4) and that was the beginning of the end. The Lord did say we would ‘’become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee’’ (Deut 28:37). ‘’The stranger (the white man) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high, and thou shall come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shall not lend him; he shall be the head, and thou shall be the tail. Deut 28:43-44). If Egypt was once all black, then how did it become all white. The answer to this question will reveal the great master plan. Africans were divided up and become Africans, coloreds, and mulattoes. It is almost incomprehensible to realize that when we are reading about the Arabs we are reading about black people, or when we are reading about the Asians that we are also reading about black people. At one time, all Africans were known as Ethiopians, and naturally all Ethiopians were Africans. The white historians have not only made Egypt white, they have taken Egypt out of Africa. The result of the white man changing the names of black people and black countries is the difficulty. Experience today in tracing black history (Psalm 83:3-4) But to answer the big question – what happened? The white man wrote the history of black people and every white historian craftily used his falsified accounts to spread Christianity and western culture and to dehumanize the African race. They divided up Egypt into two lands – Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt – and went further and divided it into races. Whatever would serve the white man’s purpose was used, whether it meant the changing of images, names and sometimes even the use of a little paint to change a race of people from black to white, mulattoes or Asians or to any race other than black. Countries that were once black like Egypt became white, and some countries that were white declared to be black. In some parts of the United States of America, for example many Puerto Ricans and people from South America were black in some part sand white in others. W.B.C Du Bois, in his book. The Negro, tells how that the Mohammedans and Christians, the two great modern religions, were in agreement on the policy of enslaving the blacks. Modern day religion has deceived all man-kind but more especially the black race. A black man and a white man in North America today can get drunk in the same bar but cannot pray in the same church. It is impossible for the theology of Christianity to be a doctrine of liberation because the white theologians-Martin Luther. John & Charles Wesley and Jonathan Edwards – were not slaves. Their theology would certainly have to be different. Men like Carl Braaten, Paul Lehmann, Richard Schaull, Frederick Herzon, Billu Graham, and Norman Vincent Peale’s biblical messages were not arrived at through an open encounter with the Gospel of Jesus, but was exclusively determined by the continued social and political dominance of whites over blacks. They are the best examples in proving that religious conservatism and white racism are two sides of the same reality. I must therefore agree with Karl Mark’s that “your very ideas are but the outgrowth of the conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property… For the ruling ideas of each age have been those of the ruling class.” The blacks in North America like the blacks in south and Latin America do not hunger for their culture, their God or the one true religion. They say it makes no difference. But as sure the so-called Negroes are the original Jews, we are just as sure they shall return and seek the Lord their God (Hosea 3:4-5).For more information please call- 592-219-0430/231-5546/676-6798, After reading please SHARE.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:38:44 +0000

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