RELIGION VS. SPIRITUALITY The most common definitions of - TopicsExpress


RELIGION VS. SPIRITUALITY The most common definitions of religion are as follows: (1) a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, (2) the service and worship of God or the supernatural (3) commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance. Spirituality, on the other hand, has been defined as a process of personal transformation in accordance with ones religious beliefs or ideals. Since the 1800s, the concept of spirituality has been separated from that of religion and has become more oriented on subjective experience and psychological growth. In other words it denotes how a set of beliefs, that one has chosen, has affected ones life or how one has changed since in contact with it. One may have a set of beliefs that one caters too; but, those beliefs may not, in any real way, affect ones life. For instance my American family is staunchly opposed to vodun. They consider themselves Christians, however, very few, of them, have seen the inside of a church, in recent years, unless there is a funeral. Christian ideals are their standard. Yet, believing in those ideals doesnt necessarily make them tow the line on how they choose to treat their neighbors or each other. As long as they do nothing that involves the police they are fine. They are more concerned with civil obedience rather than spiritual obedience. That is, of course, until racial prejudices come into play and then all bets are off. Civil obedience swiftly becomes civil disobedience; but, that is a different subject entirely. I understand, that with this subject matter, religion vs. spirituality, I am straddling a very fine line here. But, my prayer is that most will come to understand, because, if not, then, it will be difficult to understand African spirituality and, further, to allow it to direct your life. One must come to realize that the spiritual world is a living and breathing thing. While it is on another plane, one that we cannot see with the naked eye, it is very much alive, vibrate and extremely active in the affairs of mankind. In Africa spirituality exists on a grand scale. Let me explain. By whatever faith one claims, on that great continent, their faith dictates the personal lives of its followers. As we witnessed in Old Testament times, with the children of Israel, its civil laws and everyday lives were dictated by their religion. As a result they were, and many of them still are today, a very spiritual people. We witness this, today, in Africa’s Islamic community, African Vodun, and many other spiritual systems that exist on that great continent. These folks live their lives based on their religious convictions. In America, however, not so much... Americans are vastly different. While a religious people we are not, necessarily, a spiritual people. For one there is a separation between church and state in this country. One may go and sit in the church pews, on Sundays, but are free to do whatever they want the other six days of the week. And, again, as long are you are not bothering anyone in such a way as the authorities may become involved, then, no one is going to bother you. Spirituality, in this sense, is reserved for the Preachers, Priests, of various kinds, Gurus, Imams or those termed as religious fanatics. But, I assure you that the religious fanatic is not so much spiritual as someone using a set of beliefs to justify wrongdoing or their superiority over another. So let me break it down to you using myself as an example. I, as most from my generation, grew up in the church. Doing my undergraduate years I went back after a hiatus of being forced as a child. I chose the Church of Christ. There I learned the bible in earnest. Patterned after the 1st century church, out of the book of Acts, those folks taught, and still teach, bible like no other. I was reading, the bible, in Greek and studying it like a theologian. However, the more I learned the more I realized that something was missing for me personally. I, eventually, prayed myself right out the back door of the church. What I mean is that I wanted a personal relationship with the divine, so bad, that all I did was pray, read the bible and pray some more. Even when relocating, to New York State, I continued attending at the large Church of Christ in Manhattan, Harlem, upstate New York and wherever I happened to roam. But to make a long story short I ended up, in February of 1998, standing on the shores of the Republic of Benin with the Supreme Chief of Vodun. And, after a long divination, he revealed through a translator, that my trip was planned by the ancestors. And the rest is history. What he meant was that I was put on a journey to find the ancestors and the spirits. It was a search for the self. From that day forward my life has changed drastically. One must understand that to engage in African spirituality it can be, and often is, a life changing experience. It is not for dabblers, the faint hearted or the “New Agers” looking to stop the mundaneness of their everyday lives. It takes commitment, focus and a willingness to yield to the obedience of spirits that one cannot see. But eventually, in their own time, they will reveal themselves to you. And you will see, first hand, the beauty of the divine. As for me the spirits chose my mate and dictates my every move. How I view my life, now, is as their servant and my concerns are only about what I can do, personally, to better fulfill the spiritual mission that I was born to do. If the spirits dont dictate it, then, I do not hear it. They are the light unto my path. While I am most cognizant of the desires and opinions of mankind, if it doesnt jive with what the spirits want, you are wasting your words on me. While I am a social being and love people, if you dont like me because of what I espouse, then, that is YOUR problem, for I am here to serve the spirits and to fulfill a spiritual mission...not to make friends. African spirituality changes you. It tells you WHO and WHAT you are, in the spirit world, what your mission is and why you came to this earth. It identifies your ancestors, their origins and the spirits that gave you life. It anchors you and guides your life like no other. It empowers your convictions and grounds you like a mighty oak. Personally, I might not have much, in the way of things; but, in the spirit world I am a king (my spirit is male). In his serpent form he has diamonds and pearls dripping down his back and on his head sits 41 crowns of gold. In human form he sits on a mighty golden throne, in the spiritual realm, and in the temple his likeness stands laden in gold, pearls and finery. For I KNOW who and what I am! This spirit, and the others that accompany him, are my all and in all. They ARE my ALPHA and OMEGA; and, I do not have to wait until death to know them. I know them now; and, so can YOU! This is spirituality...In fact, this is African Spirituality at its finest!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:18:42 +0000

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