RELIGIOUS FANATISM AS OUR BANE As I always say Poverty brings - TopicsExpress


RELIGIOUS FANATISM AS OUR BANE As I always say Poverty brings about Religious Fervency, and it is very unfortunate that most Nigerians are still trapped within its illusory and slavish tentacles. I was in a tricycle going somewhere, the driver was will I say preaching to the two elderly female passengers, and he was sharing “his” word of God. And he was berating the immodest dressing of ladies, in fact he went as far as saying that the reason we have all these problems in this world including book haram is because of ladies who were trousers! That any lady who wear trousers cannot be a good wife and mother. He quoted Deuteronomy blab blab… (I can’t remember now) and funny enough the elderly lady passengers were all echoing in support. One of them said “okwu chukwu adighi atu asi” (the word of God cannot lie) at first, I was silently amused and I just kept quiet, then he started sharing his biased, fallacious and incredible testimony of his niece who he got deported from America because she was wearing trousers despite all the warnings he gave her! , that he did 10 days dry fasting and God revealed to him the need to keep all the rituals and rules as he God has commanded, Men at this point I couldn’t take it anymore. I told him oga, all you just said now is total crap!, everyone was amazed at my sarcastic bitterness. I then asked him where they said in the bible that women should not put trousers. I then started enlightening the fanatic dampened and stubborn mind… what makes a cloth a man or woman’s own is relative. In the old testament, men wore tunics, (which is like jelabia, or gown or sutanne fo us now) to us now this qualifies as a female dress. Imagine a man putting on gown or just sutanne or jelabia with no trousers and going to work! Same wise our fore fathers wore Ogodo (a little cloth tied around the waist) and the ladies went bare chested. And that was their clothing then. Nowadays, we wear trousers cos that is the trend. So what has religion has to do with it? Even in the Vatican, ladies wear trousers, if we are to go strictly with the old testament, why are we not burning sacrifices, isolating women having their menses, observing the Passover, festival of wheats, etc, what about the instruction of St. paul in his letter I think to the corinthians saying that women should not be heard in church and that the glory of a woman is her husband! (So biased, incredible and discriminatory) but then we will remove that one but will choose the ones to adhere to. Lols. I sometimes wonder who is deceiving who. It is cos of ideologies such as these that started book haram, where a group of fanatical zealots will tell you that a woman should not go to school, that a woman should dress like a Masquerede while outside inother to preserve her purity, that a man must leave his beards and that women and men must not pray together etc and in the event you disagree, they start bombing you feeling as soldiers of God. I really feel pathetic whenever I ponder our religious idiosyncrasies especially in Africa and the Arab world. We are so enslaved and gullible. A pal of mine was telling me of a magic oil bought from Ebube Muonso’s place (the now reigning hot priest for catholics) akin to TB Joshua”s magic holy water, pastor Lazarus Muoka’s magic green banner abi na flag, or is it them adeboye or oyedepo’s posters and miraculous flyers (OYEDEPOS GOD IS MY GOD, SO I SHALL NOT LACK) (I AM A WINNER COS I AM WITH THE WINNERS CHURCH) etc. These guys make good business for their loyal cronies who produce and market these religious artifacts and elements for the ever teeming and gullible populace! As the great philosopher Karl Max rightly put it “religion is truly the opium of the masses
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:36:06 +0000

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