REMAINING RELEVANT IN THE CONFINES OF POLITICS By William Dekker By the laws of nature, that moment you are born, you let out your first cry. That cry is the first political statement you make in life; thus all humans are political despite the superficial attitude that some may develop towards it. Fast forward; contemporary student politics is considered not to go beyond the realms of student unions; SONU, KUSA, MUSO, SOMU among many others. One’s vivid political engagements ends at the halt of their tenures in the respective institutions of higher learning. Whatever remains is just a trance or elements of never-to-be fulfilled future ambitions. Today brings in a moment to salute the personalities amidst us who have put an effort to scale beyond the contemporary student politics. A bid to remain relevant, more so, piercing into the National scene is not a meagre course. The ilk of Bush, Akadima, Moha(Doyo) and likeminded colleagues, to some point would deserve a recognition for an effort to get into the National scene with grown ideology of their own affiliation. PONA Party of National Alliance, apparently is a party formed by the brainchild of some of the above mentioned. The immediate former Sec Gen of the Union, Nathaniel Akadima sweeps the pride with him. In his clarifications, as the name suggests in Swahili (pona), the party seeks to offer solace in treatment of the youth gripes. So is the logo which remains an image of a needle syringe. NUSO No one can assume the strife between KUSO (Kenya University Student Organization) and NUSO (National University Students Organization). If the two are meant to be umbrella bodies of all university organizations, then what remains as a difference is the fact that KUSO’s proponents are in Nairobi while NUSO’s pioneer leadership hails from our very own Moi University. For whatever reasons of the existence of the above, our dispute is limited. We only take pride in the fact that after some time now, local Student Leadership, despite the constant criticism and reprimand, is nurturing our very own into the bigger picture. Let them give it their best shot! Perhaps it’s high time we needed more than just one Omar Hassan in our representation of pride. At times it’s tiring to hear the likes of UoN boast of a long list of former union alumni in the National Scene; Kabando wa Kabando, Isaac Ruto, James Orengo, Bonny Khalwale etc. Our 3000 acres is just too large to produce a meagre number of political public figures. The writer is the Editor in Chief of the Moi University Students Organization (MUSO)
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 13:07:31 +0000

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