REMAINING ROOTED! We live in a world that strongly promotes - TopicsExpress


REMAINING ROOTED! We live in a world that strongly promotes self-dependence, human abilities, skills, and strengths. Because our world THRIVES on these principles, it is sometimes difficult for us to orientate ourselves to the principles that should keep us rooted in Gods Word! How do you stay rooted? 🌱 Obedience 🌱Full dependence on Him 🌱Faith We learn these principles from the moment we are born into the kingdom of God and never really grow out of them. Contrarily, there are three attitudes that threaten to unhook us from Gods Word. They are: 🌱 Disobedience 🌱 Self-trust/dependence 🌱 Unbelief In the natural, we become less dependent, trusting and submissive to parents or carestakers as we grow older. In our relationship with God, however, the reverse is true. Our immersion in and skill at applying these principles should increase as we mature in Him!!! But this is not always the case among Gods children... 😔 - Yes, many grow in obedience, God-dependence, and faith. - But many stagnate or decline in their obedience, God-dependence, and faith as their years as Christians increase. - God calls the former My sheep” and the latter Rebellious people.” Read the following scriptures 😊 🔱 Isaiah 30:1-26 Verse 1-2: These are stubborn children who trust in their own wisdom and love to do their own thing. They do not seek counsel from the Lord, but rather search for help elsewhere. Verse 3-7: The Lord does not let them carry on as they please. He gets involved in their pursuits and frustrates them. Rather than be a blessing to their benefactors, Gods rebellious children become useless and are discarded. Verse 12-14: Their continued labors to help themselves become unfruitful; nothing works out! Verse 16-17: They are attacked by their enemies and are defeated. Verse 18-19: Amidst His rebuke, Gods love longs and waits patiently for them. He longs to hear their desperate cry for help. He responds as soon as they repent and seek Him. Verse 20-22: He cleanses them from their idols, guiding their shaky steps all the way. Verse 23-26: He blesses their—now sanctified—lives and efforts with fruitfulness. In summary, God does not let His rebellious people go; rather He initiates various forms of discipline to restore them. This is a path of contention and certainly isnt the ideal way to abide in His Word. A better way to remain rooted in Gods Word is described by Yeshua in the gospels. 🔱John 10:14-30 Verse 26: By implication, His sheep believe Him. Verse 27: They listen and follow Him. Verse 28: They abide in His hand and are secure and safe forever. - They do not do their own thing, but are comfortable in their relationship with their Father; they maintain their position in His hand. - They prevail over trials and tests because they abide in the Fathers hand. - They please their Father, are loved by Him, and are fruitful for Him because they remain in His embrace—trusting, believing, obeying, and depending. These children do not seek to regain their independence; they are committed to a life of total dependence on God. - They have a mindset that says, I will do nothing without checking with my Father. I am confident that He will let me do what I plan if it is in His will. However, if my plan isnt in His will, I will let it go.” On His part, God blesses, provides and watches over them. He stands by them during difficult trials and blesses them more at the end (e.g. Job). He matures them and increases their level of spiritual power, responsibility, and insight. He fulfills His destiny for them because they are willing to follow as He leads. Today, the call is to remain rooted in Gods love, as this is His will for all His children. Let us continually strive to grow in obedience, dependence, and faith in Him. 🔱Colossians 2:7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Be blessed, always! 🙏
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:32:22 +0000

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