REMARKS BY - TopicsExpress


REMARKS BY HONOURABLE PHANDU C. SKELEMANI, PH, MP MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION WELCOME RECEPTION FOR THE 2013 BOTSWANA HEADS OF MISSION CONFERENCE “ Botswana’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Priorities, Challenges and Opportunities” 9 SEPTEMBER, 2013 Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. L.C. Lekoa, Excellencies, Heads of Botswana Missions abroad, Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Government Departments, Heads of Parastatals and other Organizations Good Evening: 1. In 2011, at a United Nations General Assembly in Brazil, 12 year old Severn Cullis-Suzuki stood bravely before the Assembly and in very simple words said and I quote: “Coming here today I have no hidden agenda. I am here to fight for my future… I speak for all the generations to come” 2. Ms. Suzuki and 11 others grouped themselves and raised funds to travel 5000 miles to be able to speak at the Assembly. Many of you have travelled more than 5000 miles to be here today as part of yet another Heads of Mission Conference. Have we asked ourselves – Why are we here? Or better still, to borrow from Suzuki and her friends, what are we doing to ensure that the generations to come continue to enjoy the successes that our own generation have enjoyed because of the prescience of those who came before us? 3. We are joined this evening by our colleagues from other Government Ministries as well as Parastals and other organizations, who are important players in our role as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Together, we should have more interactive discussions in the course of this week. As we do so, I would like us to ask ourselves these questions with a view to finding solutions that will benefit the men and women of our republic today and in future. 4. As we have a shared vision – Vision 2016, let us ask ourselves, what we are going to do in the remaining three years to ensure that we realize this vision. In particular, how are we going to synergize our resources to maximize our gains and end poverty for Batswana when we celebrate 50 years as a nation in 2016. Excellencies, Distinguished Guests: 5. The theme for this year’s Conference “Botswana’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Priorities, Challenges and Opportunities” calls upon us all to reflect on our past achievements as well as shortcomings and work together towards a common purpose. One of the accomplishments that we have made as a country and should be very proud of is gaining international respect. Respect for standing up for our ideals and respect for being among the few who have used their meager resources to develop our country and people beyond the expectation of many. 6. Because of our ideals, we have developed solid friendships with our neighbours and those further afield. It is these friendships that have enabled us to reach the level of upper middle income status. 7. The response that we got when we asked for assistance on HIV/AIDS is exemplary of the goodwill towards our country. It is the same response that we were given when the nerve of our economy – the diamond industry – was under attack. Botswana was not only among the leading voices that called for the international community to view the industry as a major contributor to development as opposed to a perpetuator of conflict, but we were able to back up our voice with living examples. We had beautifully used the diamond revenue for our development. 8. It is these same friends that will help us to sustain our achievements and overcome new challenges. I urge you, Excellencies, to continue to find ways of nurturing these relationships and in the same breath to reach out and cultivate new ones. 9. I know that tonight some of us are still a bit weary from our long travels. However, I also know that we are very excited at this opportunity to have direct interactions and find solutions to challenges that we have encountered in the last two years since our last Heads of Mission Conference in 2011. 10. I am happy to note that the exchanges we had today have set the right tone. I am assured that with the same vigor and enthusiasm, the Conference will result in a more focused and harmonized pact that will define a 21st Century outlook and help us realize our shared vision. 11. We live in a world that is dynamic and requires us to adapt to change to keep up with the times – let us embrace new ways of thinking and choose to see change as a means to preservation! 12. As you all are aware, my Ministry has since last year been engaged in a demanding exercise of developing Botswana’s Foreign Policy Guidelines. The exercise has taken long to be completed as it had to be subjected to a number of processes, as per the established practice. What is important to note though is that the exercise is far advanced, and I am optimistic that it will be finalized before the end of this year. 13. I have no doubt that once our Foreign Policy Document is in place, it will help us improve coordination in our dealings with the international community and exert influence in the international area. 14. I had not intended to give a long speech as I find it critical that you have more time to interact and reflect on how to make Botswana an effective and influential player in world affairs. 15. Please join me in drinking a toast to a week of productive interactions and to a future full of promise for the next generation. To our Botswana, Our Pride Pula!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 09:06:39 +0000

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