REMEMBER!!! And NEVER forget! UN is a Racist Organization - TopicsExpress


REMEMBER!!! And NEVER forget! UN is a Racist Organization ! Africa has more United Nations members than any other continent. All the continents are represented at the level of United Nations Security Council except Africa. Africa, which accounts for one-third of the membership of the United Nations, is the only continent not represented in the permanent security council category. Africa is a continent that is the main source of raw materials for the developed West without which the industries in the Western countries would shut down. Should Africans have permanent representation at the UN Security Council ? If you answered yes, then look at the following facts. Pan-Africanist Colonel Muammar Gaddafi tried to get Africans united to demand to have a voice (veto power) at the UN security council, and in addition he called for $7.77 trillion in compensation to be paid to Africa from its past colonial masters , like MKO Abiola did. As a result of his efforts to unite Africans and his standing up to the neo-colonial powers, Gaddafi targeted by the former colonial rulers,like MKO Abiola killed with America tea, France and England, got a UN authorization to bomb out Libya back to the stone age. If you are an African concerned about lack of representation at the UN security council, why should you support racist UN resolutions against an African country ? If you are a woyane and who supports the racist UN resolutions against Africans by default, we understand that you are a slave doing what is expected of all slave whores like Goodluck Jonathan and Omar Bongo. But if you consider yourself a self-respecting African, why should you work against your own self-interest ? When African leaders bring up issues of past colonization and the current slavery called foreign debt imposed on African countries, they are either assassinated or overthrown by European neo-colonial powers. Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso (West Africa) gave the following speech at the African Union conference in Addis Ababa in 1987... If Burkina Faso stands alone in its refusal to pay the debt, I am not going to be here at the next Conference. On 15 October 1987, less than three months after he gave the speech and after a decisive confrontation with French President François Mitterrand, Thomas Sankara was assassinated by France.. yeah... the France who STILL thinks to own the African continent thanks to the never-ending supply of House Negroes possessing slave mentality who keep on supporting racist UN resolutions against their fellow Africans. https://youtube/watch?v=DfzoToJEnu8
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:00:08 +0000

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