REMEMBER: In our business a fundamental flaw during the sales - TopicsExpress


REMEMBER: In our business a fundamental flaw during the sales presentation and closing process is that most reps/closers, per company/management policy, are too regimented or structured to adapt the presentation (and/or close) to meet the client’s needs, situation or ‘understanding’ of a specific benefit, feature, use, etc. Take a real-world timeshare sales/close situation into consideration. There was this closer in Cancun who was doing his best to ‘close’ the deal. Judging by the elbow and body language of the sales guests, they surely seemed into it, but the closer had hit an obstacle (objection). After a lot of chit-chat going back and forth the closer excused himself from the table and came to the back of the room where another closer was standing and the frustrated closer said: “I just can’t get this deal. I’ve explained how foreigners can own here in Mexico and they just aren’t getting it. I told them everything; the Fideicomiso (bank trust), the escrow process, the closing, the title insurance… everything… and they just don’t get it and aren’t budging.” (All which was ‘heat’, as it was a simple 20 year RTU three-page purchase agreement; but we’ll leave ‘that’ for another MM.) So the seasoned closer looks across the room and then turns back to the other closer and asks: “Where are they from?” He responds: “Canada.” “No problem,” says the knowledgeable ‘Ace’. “Just go back in and tell them that you have a clarification from management and found out that Canadians can own property here in Cancun just like other Canadians own property in Hawaii!” “That’s it?” asked the frustrated closer. “Yep,” said the Master Closer, “just go do it and then shut up and watch what happens.” And so, obviously somewhat doubting, the closer goes back in, sits down and tells them that and all of a sudden both the husband and wife start nodding their heads in understanding and within the next minute the closer had his worksheet going and the Mrs. was pulling out the credit card. This is not the time or place to explain why the advice worked. What is important to understand is that the closer was trained and/or conditioned to say the same thing(s) every time to every prospect and wasn’t able to be flexible and/or adapt his ‘process’. To use ‘tennis’ as an analogy, in our business the sales rep and closers have to be able to cover the court and if they are just standing still waiting for the opponent to keep hitting the ball to where they are standing they will lose! Indeed, the real money makers in our businesses working the tables are savvy Timeshare Pros who move, adjust, modify and adapt the sales and closing process when appropriate, which is another reason why they laugh all the way to the bank. Source: Insidethegate
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:12:03 +0000

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