REMEMBERING HECTORS JOURNEY THROUGH TEARS Prayers are needed for Hector and his loving family. He was one of Michael Vicks victims and his precious little body is riddled with Cancer. His Earth life is nearing its end and his loving Guardians Roo Yori and Clara Yori need everyones prayers. Clara and Roo were also the Guardians of Wallace the Pit Bull who also succombed to Cancer. The Vicktory dogs have a very special place in my heart as I was one of the people who saw first hand, the horrors of Michael Vicks dogfighting Operation. To Clara and Roo I say: Your in my thoughts and prayers as the Earth Journey for Hector is nearing its end. My heart breaks for you and it is my prayer that God holds you close, while going through this heartbreaking chapter in life. And to Hector I say: You are a true inspiration and an amazing Ambassador for your breed. You went through the worst kind of hell, yet you hold no grudges. You suffered so horribly at the hands of a SOUL-LESS human YET you FORGAVE what I am unable to FORGIVE and as a TRUE PIT-BULL does, you placed your trust in the very species that caused you so much pain and suffering. You are truly a SURVIVOR,in every sense of the word. God Bless you precious Hector and when the time comes, may your travel to reunite with your brother Wallace be a safe and beautiful journey. With all my love, from someone who fell in love with you on your Rescue day. Sherry
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:24:45 +0000

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