REMINDER: MESSAGE TO THE MEN: WE PUT A LOT OF PRESSURE ON WOMEN... BUT TRUTH BE TOLD, WE ARE/SHOULD BE THE HEAD OF OUR FAMILIES & FAMILY DOES NOT STOP IN OUR HOME! ITS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO TEACH & LEAD! WE HAVE TO START RESPECTING WOMEN MORE EVEN WHEN THEY SOMETIMES DONT RESPECT THEMSELVES! Not to Suggest in any way that the Woman is Not Strong, as She has Proven Herself for Hundreds of Years and Still to this day! However, We are the ones that are supposed to Hold Down the Family! Some of Us Have Deprived Our Women and Children of... the Unity of Family for Our Own Selfish Reason/s and We have to make it Right!!! Some of Us have Disrespected our Women for a Cheap Thrill that lasted Only for a Moment/Short Stay just because it was Available! Some have Wronged our Children because of the Lost Love of their Mothers! Failure to pay Child Support is one thing (Although Not Right) but Denying Our Child/ren the Love he/she is Supposed to get from us is Worst!!!Some of us have Disrespected Our Women by: NOT! given them the Love they Deserve, NOT! being there for them, NOT! doing Our Part as Husbands, Boyfriends etc. NOT! steering them in the Right Direction when we Knew they were going the Wrong way, NOT! being the men we are/were supposed to be... This list can go on but I am sure I made my point! Instead of picking up some of these Women Young/Old to get Laid, We Need to pick them up and Educate them on how NOT to fall Victim to the One Night Stand etc. We Have To Respect Our Women More! Some of Our Actions have to be Checked! NOT to give/Offer an Excuse for some Woman! But because of Some of Our Actions! (Lack Of Love, Failure To Communicate, Abuse On Any Level, Walking Out On Family etc.) We Are in part if Not The sole Creators of Some of Our Women Being/Becoming: Jump Offs! Whores! Sluts! Tricks! The Other Woman! Creepers/Cheaters! Lesbians! Liars! Bad Mothers! Another list that can go on! But We Have to Make it Right! Especially Us that are Fathers to Daughters!!! Because, Like it or Not! We Reap what We Sow! and We have to think about the Disrespect We dish out May/Will come to Us!!! The Sins Of The Father! Every Girl/Woman Either of Us Ever Had... At One point, if Not Still, she was Somebodys Daughter, Mother, Sister & at One Time Little Girl... Hmmmmm? WE HAVE TO DO BETTER AT RESPECTING OUR WOMEN!!! Lastly, I could have gone on for Hours and Still NOT Scratch the Surface of the Pain Our Women have Endured Because of our Disrespect/Lack Thereof as it is Greater than my Understanding! We hear things and Chastisement from Women all the time... My Only Prayer right now is that this Note Will have a Positive affect on ALL that read it! But if ALL fails and Only One get it, Then it was Worth Posting!!! I say All of the Above with the Utmost Respect to All that read it! This is something that is LONG overdue to be said... So I said it! MUCH RESPECT TO MEN EVERYWHERE! BUT WE HAVE TO DO BETTER AT RESPECTING OUR WOMEN!!!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:09:43 +0000

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