REMOTE JAMMING ON THE INCREASE!!! BE AWARE OF REMOTE-JAMMING!! Criminals can block a vehicles and /or garage doors remote locking signal by using a device that operates at the same frequency. IN A JAM? The signal from an electronic gate controller could interfere with your remote vehicle locking system if used nearby and at the same time. Manufacturers of vehicle and gate remotes use a fixed frequency of 433MHz. If the two remotes operating at the same frequency are activated simultaneously and within close range of each other, the signals can interfere with each other. If your remote signal is being interfered with, your vehicle will not lock properly. TO ASSIST VKNFS HAVE PREPARED STEPS ONE SHOULD TAKE TO AVERT ANY THEFT FROM TAKING PLACE: 1. Dont merely walk away from your car unless you have heard or seen it lock. 2. Physically check that all of your car doors and boot are locked. 3. Lock all of your valuables in the boot so that it is not visible. 4. Visible security measures such as a gear-lever or steering wheel lock may deter thieves. These safety tips are proudly brought to you by, VKN Financial Services Your broker of choice Insuring trust
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:31:49 +0000

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