RENEWING YOUR THINKING (BY Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah) Renew - TopicsExpress


RENEWING YOUR THINKING (BY Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah) Renew your thinking, either you renew your thinking or you start renewing your mind, renew your mind, and start now. Go to millions of people to renew their minds, if you are able to renew your mind you will have all the things of God, if you are able to renew your mind, you will have all that you are expecting from God, all the things is upon the way you are going to renew your mind. Until you renew your mind, until you start renewing your mind you will not have access into the things of God nor the character of God. You will not have the nature of God, renew your mind so that you may be able to understand what the bible is saying, until you renew your mind there is nothing good coming your way. Until you renew your mind, sickness can never leave you, until you renew your mind, disease can never leave you, until you renew your mind nothing is going to change in your life. Until you renew your mind you will live the same way; you will have the old nature, until you renew your mind, no better thing will come to your mind, until you renew your mind, nothing good will come into your business. Renew your mind wherever you are! Until you renew your mind, you will keep having that problem, until you renew your mind your problems will never cease, until you renew your mind you will forever be the same but if you are determined to renew your mind you will see changes and experience new things in your life. You will experience success, you will see yourself making it, and you will see yourself having now depending on the way you are thinking now. What are the things you think and say? What do you think? What do you say? What do you experience? All depends on the way you think, everything is in your thinking. Thoughts are more powerful than prayers because thoughts move prayers to act, to come to pass. According to James chapter one verse five ‘’if anyone of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all and without reproach, and it will be given to you but let him ask with faith without doubts for he who doubts is like the wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed.’’ Let that man supposed not that he will get good things from God because good and perfect things comes from God and when you begin to think about the goodness of God, when you begin to think about the good things of God you will have all the perfect things from God. When you begin to think negative, it causes doubts; it shrinks God in your life, that makes you shake and the bible made us understand that those that are blown by the wind will have nothing good from God. You can have faith alright but what makes that faith work is your thinking; if it is good thinking that is what will make the faith stand, but if it is a bad thinking your faith comes down and that cause you to shake and hence you lose whatever good thing from God that you were supposed to receive. What you are thinking is what will make God do something or act. What you have in your head is what will make you have good or bad things. If you have past thoughts you will never go forward for what is past is past. If you are determined to go forward you should be ready to let go of past things, because past thoughts become obstacles and hindrances to your success. It like a street with a huge stone in the middle and you are unable to move on because of it so until you get that obstacle of your way you will never move on. If you want to move forward you need to try to get that obstacle from your way. Until you take away or the words of discouragements from your mind, all the defeat, all the thoughts of past, thoughts of cruelty, you will never go forward in life. We have to think positive about our jobs, we have to think positive about our situations, we have to think positive about our marriages, we have to think positive about our conditions, we have to think positive about everything, we have to think positive towards our children, our friends, families, co workers, bosses, employees, our pastors, our churches, wherever we may find ourselves we need to think positive. Good thinking moves mountain and plus the faith it makes all possible. You can invite thousands of pastors/great men of God over to pray for you but if your mind is full of negativity there is no where the prayers will work, those thoughts serves as a stumbling block for the prayers to work. Where there is bad negative thoughts, that place will never go on or make it in life, that church will never go on, that neighbourhood will never go on, that family will never go on, that marriage ill never go on, that business will never go on, that country will never go on, that town/community will never prosper. Renew your thinking now, it doesn’t matter where you find yourself, if you have the right thoughts in your mind, God will lift you up from there and put you to a place where you will have absolute peace of mind an tranquility. It doesn’t matter how tough life is, forget about everything and start thinking right, start thinking positive and you will gain marvelous results. Awake to the things of God so that your life will never be the same again. Some people think the word of God is foolishness so how can the word of God have an impact in their lives; you have to start renewing your mind. Think of only good things about Christ, don’t witness about anything you are doing, don’t witness about yourself, don’t witness about your husband, but witness about God. The bible says when the disciples gathered to pray in acts; they were in one accord, not just an accord but a good accord. Some people have bad accord, when you go to schools, the people in a bad accord are those who cause fights, they do all sort of things to bring the school down but the ones with the good accord are those that will do all they can to promote the school for the school to be increased in manner of greatness. In the same way, when you are in one accord with someone doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing the right thing together. God wants you to walk with the right people, so that the good people will help you get to heaven. In the book of acts, the disciples were in one accord, and the bible says, they had the same mindset, they were thinking the same, not of evil but of good and that is, everything that Jesus had promised them was going to come to pass. They believed in their heart and thought of the good things that would come with it and thus with their faith they received it. They were only thinking about the Holy Spirit and nothing else, they made their minds to wait for the Holy Spirit; all of them, not even one thought otherwise, they all thought of good because their minds had been renewed, with one accord, one aim that is the Holy Spirit. They were in one position, one goal, one reason, one direction, one movement so when the Holy Spirit came, they were all filled. Why? Because they are thinking was so good to the extent that Holy Spirit had no reason not to fill them but give them what they had been expecting. In the same way when we also pray together with the same mindset, it will not be given to only ‘’Miss Mills’’ or ‘’Mr. Gyan’’ and leave ‘’Bruce’’ and the rest. Everyone will receive it, because we all have the same mindset. But when you are being prayed with and your mind is somewhere else, during the session you keep thinking about something else, you are not involved in the prayer as you should, you will miss out. For some people when they are asked to pray they start to act all gentle, everyone is gentle even a mad person sees himself gentle. Who is a gentle man? A gentle man is someone who respects himself. A certain man in jail was urinating at an inappropriate place, a mad man passing by took out a stick and caned him and asked him if he was mad? So when I say a mad man sees himself as a respectable man, you should understand. A gentle person is someone who would do the right thing at the right time not the person who would do the right thing at the wrong time or vice versa. Glory be to God! The time has come for all believers to be vigilant; if you are not smart and vigilant someone somewhere will deceive you somewhere along your Christian journey to God in a twinkle of an eye. When you are deceived, you will follow your deceiver only to your destruction and you will earn nothing. If you want to think, think of better things, don’t follow the crowd, when you follow the crowd you will end up misinterpreting why certain things happen to you. When people with mixed-feelings get into the church, the moment worshipping of God begins, they begin to worship their problems in their minds, they begin to worship that sin they wish they would be able to do again, just like the mixed multitudes among the Israelites on their way from Egypt when these people went back to worshipping their gods. This is all because their heart weren’t there. When the good ones were being optimistic, they were being pessimistic; when they were moving forward they were moving backwards. You might be wondering which ones were the good ones among the Israelites because they were all complaining and worshipped those golden idols. Among the ones from Egypt, there were no good ones aside the leaders, all of them had their hearts set back on Egypt, God didn’t want them? He was interested in their offspring; the Israelites from Egypt had no change of heart and mind that is why they waited for any little thing to complain about. They were only thinking of what evil could happen to them on their way, they had doubts, their minds weren’t renewed thus they were unable to eat the best from the land which God had prepared for his children. There are some people if you are going to follow them, you will move backwards instead of forward. Start moving with people who want to go forward. Some people are determined to go forward, others are refusing to move forward; these people are stuck in confusions, agonies, past memories, frustrations and so many other things. Move with people who want to see the face of God, people who want to always be in the presence of God, people who want to go to heaven; people with the mindset of Christ, people who want to create not destroy. We have to renew our minds in order to get to our final destination, putting the whole amour of God so that we may be sustained so that when we get to heaven we may be saluted out respect and honour and a well done by the angels of heaven so that we may receive our heavenly crowns as it has been destined for all believers. When you begin to think good things, you will always have good things and one day when you appear before God, he would say I have marked thee. The way you think will show you the way you do your things, the way you think will reflect on your blessings, the way you think will reflect on your actions, the way you think will reflect on yourself, the way you think will reflect on everything of yours (your marriage, your ministry, your business, your social life, and wherever you go). The way you think will show the kind of person that you are. Start thinking the way God thinks. One afternoon the Lord said to me in the book of Philippians 2 vs. 4 and 5, and the Lord said to me in my dream, ‘’if you want to make it in life, start thinking like I do and start doing things like the way I do,’’ and at the end of the day I said to Jesus, glory be unto your name for giving me such a wonderful exaltation, I will go by it and I will meditate upon it every day of my life and wherever I appear, wherever I go I will witness about it like you said in the book of Matthew chapter 24:14 ‘’and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come’’. In the book of Philippians chapter two says ‘’let each of you live up not only for his own interest…’’, his own nation, his own ministry, his own marriage, his own business, as yours is well think about others. If you don’t think good about yours don’t expect to think better about someone else’s. To be continued! If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour just say this prayer with me Lord Jesus, ‘’I am a great sinner, I have sinned for many years but today I repent, and I repent fully. I want to be fulfilled for you alone, thank you Jesus for dying on the cross to wash away my sins and for saving me now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.’’ Brethren, as you have said this prayer, find a bible-believing church to attend in order to grow more in your Christian life. According the book of Corinthians which says as you are a born again, you need to renew your mind. You need to stick your mind on godly things only; you need to stick your mind on things of God. Do not behave the same as you were, the old things are passed and gone the new things have come. God bless you! Stay blessed! Take note: your seed-sowing can unlock heaven and can open heaven. What do I mean by this? I mean that you can open blessings into your life and you can close the gates of blessings in your life. Watching the actual men of God today, the secrets of each is based on biblical way of giving as a covenant with God. why don’t you practice some today by sowing a seed of covenant with God continually in each month for about one year and turn that condition for the better in the midst of nothing. This is because; every assignment given by God to our lives is an opportunity of using it to release blessings into our lives or ministries, businesses, marriages, school/education. Etc. Until you know what you are to do, you cannot achieve your goal in life. I became more blessed when God located to me my assignment and through practicing it, I then got to the center of my main blessings in ministry. God opened my eye from the book of Job 42:8, 9 ‘’therefore, take unto you now seven bullocks and seven ram, and go to my servant job and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you: for him will I accept: lest I deal with you after your folly, in that ye have not spoken of me the thing which is right like my servant job. So Eliphaz the Temanite and Shuhite and Zophar the Naamanthite went and did according as the Lord commanded them: the Lord also accepted Job.’’ Most people refuse to be part takers of this principles and the way of a covenant-seed with God. it is now the time to take your difficulties, your burdens, your challenges, your problems, as a seed in your hand; note that any time you have a problem, ask yourself what do I have in my hand to use it to solve the problem? Every problem is a seed, even if it seems you don’t have a seed you have a seed. The fastest way to solve each problem in this world is to have a seed. God started with a seed in the bible and ended with a seed. Every farmer without a seed is not a good farmer, whether you are about to start or not; because it is your seed that will show whether you are a good farmer or not. Let’s get back to God whom we are following as an example in the biblical point of view. He had no seed to sow than to use Jesus as a seed for the whole world to enjoy. Let’s assume that God said it’s only Jesus and He loves Him so much so there was no way of using Him as a covenant seed, what do you think would have happened to us? Now let’s get to Abraham, do you know that Abraham practiced the same thing? And why was it that God did not ask him to sow a covenant-seed with Ishmael but Isaac? When was the last time you sowed a covenant seed with your last? Most people as Christians, all they need is prayer, and there are some problems which don’t match with prayer like the statement above. All that is to be done is to make a covenant with God for go to act, they have prayed and all that they could do, but they had to move to go and see God’s servant with their covenant. The other time, I said to the church, have they ever seen a baby giving out a gift before? They said no, and I asked them why, their answers were that because it’s a baby. I also came out and said the same thing applies to Christian -Dom today, until you are mature in your Christian life, you will behave like this baby who doesn’t know how to give or sow a seed. To clear somebody’s mind, in the book of first Corinthians 13:11, the bible says ‘’ when I was a child, I spoke like a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.’’ Leave your baby stage and move onto maturity, the stage of being a baby may kill you. There are some seeds that can transform your life forever, I want to put in your mind, since the bible says ‘’seed time cannot cease’’ As well as the harvest time, the more seeds you put on the ground, the more harvest you will have. Most people God honors best in His kingdom are the people who are with His covenant seed, because they are the people within His kingdom now. The kingdom of God is based on covenant-seed makers. There were women in the bible who sowed covenant-seed into a whole-Jesus’ ministry in the book of Luke chapter 8, why don’t you do the same? Even a woman with her last supper offered it to God’s servant Elijah to eat, what happened? The economy within 24 hrs changed. Assuming that this woman refused, what do you think would have happened to her? She would have died. That is why we have a lot of dying Christians with their sicknesses, diseases, challenges; They are dying in ministries, marriages, and business. Etc. Most are complaining bitterly in life because they can’t do what God said as a sign of obedience to bring them out of their situations. To sum up, go to the book of acts 9, where the name of Dorcas was changed to Tabitha; it was due to her covenant-seed with God. It is not always about prayer and fasting, the same thing applied to Cornelius in the book of acts 10. Covenant-seed is changing lives and names, I made a statement about Abraham, it is through his covenant-seed with God, and God had to change things around him. Now listen! If you want to practice the same thing, top your covenant-seed with God to stay alive with this great man of God. The conditions around you will never ever be the same that is what the Lord is telling me, this is the secret of my ministry-sowing seed! Most at times, I sow seed as covenant into many ministries that are doing the work of God. It is my prayer that you will hold this mantle to cut across; start this month with nothing/this covenant-seed with God and your condition, your situation will never ever be the same. Thousands of people did this into my ministry and the testimony is amazing, minister, and general people all over the world. One testimony that came from London today, there was a family that seemed to have a death-row in the family, finally it got to one person and I reminded her that it is through her covenant with God that has kept her. Everyone in her family died, she admitted that it was true and that she was never going to stop sowing seed. Same testimonies from all over the world, why don’t you join the heroes of destiny through covenant seed with God and your condition will never stay the same, I wish to hear from you not to just call but to pray or ask for your name to put in that monthly based on covenant-seed with God. From there you enter into kingdom life insurance for God to ensure your life! You need to grow from stages to stages! The testimonies are many, practice yours today, I know about thousands of people that never call me but sow seeds and that alone is enough for them. To end it, we have a lot of people in the world who think everything is all about ‘’pray-for-me’’ the bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. Our obedience is better than any other thing we do on earth. What you are not doing, others are doing to be free, when you go through the book of Luke 8 concerning the seed-sowers in Jesus’ ministry- they never requested for prayers but were ok. Your problem will be solved if you know what to do. Use your eye to watch outside God’s word, you will realize that worldly people are supporting the kingdom of Satan than Christians that is why more people are in the world today. So if you are a Christian and a miser it will affect the kingdom of God but God will return it back to you and you will rather suffer; That is why a lot of Christians are suffering although they pray, one time in the bible, a lot of people were praying and God told them that their prayers were empty before Him. Sometimes people will say prayers work at all time, it is true but sometimes it is not true. I prophesy upon your life that you will grow from levels to levels on your way of seed-sowing as the bible calls it ‘’sacrifices’’. That alone can turn your whole life, let your sacrifices be more than prayers, I am a man of prayer, but remember there is time for everything according to the book of Eccle 3. If you disobey God will He answer your prayers? No, do the right things before you pray prayer and the word of God moves together. More will be coming soon, stay blessed and contact these numbers to join the team this month. Tel: +233303930762 Email: powerlifepropheticministries@yahoo P. O. Box: DC 936, Dansoman, Accra, Ghana, West Africa. You can also send it through western union or money gram by using this name Paul Johnson Asamoah. Or you can request for church account number. In Africa, we don’t use pen pals as others requested. Thank you for your obedience! It is through this that we use to enhance the kingdom of God. In this world if you see someone doing the right thing the kingdom of God leads that person to one stage to the other. A certain woman came to the church with a problem about her child and God, through Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah has caused a tremendous change in the woman’s daughter’s life. The woman who was brought to the church by her sister in-law explained that a stranger who passing by had an encounter with her child and ever since then her daughter had been behaving abnormally. The little child’s speech became distorted-could not speak clearly again, the child could not walk and sleep well and many other unusual things were happening to her. So as a mother who loves a child, the mother of this little girl tried to seek help. She went from one hospital to the other, from one church to the other; she also went to prayer camps but to no avail. By the grace of God, through her in-law, she was brought to Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah; she came all the way from Tarkwa to Kuwait, Kasoa-Accra, where the pastor dwells As soon as they met the pastor, God used Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah; He opened His eyes and told her the hidden secret behind the situation. Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah prayed for the woman and her daughter, gave them prophetic direction as instructed by God, she obeyed God and did as she was told. The next day, the woman and her sister in-law came to the church to say that the child can now speak, sleep well and is now showing normal behavior and even at that moment the child was sleeping. Glory be to God! This is what the Lord is doing through Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah, you are always welcome! Jesus Is the Answer to All Church weekly activities DAYS ACTIVITIES TIME SUNDAY PROPHETIC SERVICE 8: AM -10:30 AM MONDAY-FRIDAY ATMOSPHERE OF PRAYER 4PM -5PM SATURDAY BREAKTHROUGH SERVICE 10 AM-2PM LAST FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH: PROPHETIC ALL NIGHT 10PM-5AM INTERNATIONAL INVITATION INTO 2014: 28TH DECEMBER (6 AM-9PM) – 30TH DECEMBER (6PM-9PM) I would like to use this opportunity to humbly ask for a hand in helping the kids in my school; most find it hard to pay for certain things like feeding fees, food, school fees as well as their personal needs. Therefore if it touches your heart to donate to sponsor a child today, please do and God will richly bless you! And for the notice, if anyone wishes to come to Africa to be a blessing upon any of these kids, in terms of provision of food, clothing or any other resourceful materials you are warmly welcome. These kids really need so much support in almost anything you can provide. God richly bless you! I would also like to use this opportunity to share a testimony about what happened just last Saturday. I was at one of my branches at Mamprobi; we had a very great time. Glory and honour unto God! I’d like to bring to your notice what occurred. An AIDS patient came to me for direction, that was last year (her husband also infected) this caused fear to reign amongst their family but after they followed my direction, God intervened and today by the grace of God their report has changed to negative. I was having a program this year, and I gave another direction concerning sowing a seed and writing your name/ what you want God to do on the seed. The woman did it, she had also wanted twins- a girl and a boy and all came to pass within this year (there has been a confirmation). Let me take this moment to advice somebody, you can also reach God’s servant Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah. You can also practice the same thing and whatever be your condition or situation and the same anointing can excel upon your life for you to come to your normal stage in life. If you want to send your seed, quickly look to the provided address below or call me on this line: +233303930762, for me to declare a prophetic word upon your seed donation for you to have answers. It is possible for with God all things are possible. For the testimonies are more and I will be giving you more but for now this is what I have for you. This is because thousands of people all over the world are been blessed by what God is using His servant in doing. Glory and honour to God! if you have revealed yourself to God, God will reveal Himself to you. I don’t know why others are struggling in life; struggling is not part of the life of a mature Christian. To follow some principles in the kingdom of God, you will be free from all, I have seen people with nothing and full of problems and difficulties but today they are out of it. I wish the same for you! To end, I’d like to this opportunity once again to announce our annual program which is coming up on the 28th to 31 watch-night service. The main aim of the program is prophetic invitation into 2014, I am welcoming you to come and your coming will be an investment into many generations ahead, you will be locked with an unfold and untold package of blessings from above that you have never experienced before in Jesus’ name. Come and claim your prophetic direction for 2014, in your ministry, life, business, marriage and so forth. Stay blessed!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:39:30 +0000

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