REPEAT MESSAGE. Cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrows - TopicsExpress


REPEAT MESSAGE. Cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrows you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Genesis 3:17 Who was the first lady of on entire earth? Who was the first president of the entire earth ? For we know that the whole creation is groaning and traveling in pains together until now. Romans 8:22. How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of morning! How are you cut down to the ground? Isaiah 14:12. 1. Man is indeed god with a brutal carnivorous animal nature. Adam and Eve were herbivorous and as soon as they sinned they became carnivorous animals and found the Rib Eye Steaks more delicious than natural herbs, which they had eaten prior to the sin they had committed. 2. In comparison, Man rebelled against creator God and the entire earth was cursed to a greater extent than man can ever imagine. 3. Adam being the outer space astronaut, (full meaning of Adam, both male and female were heavenly and spiritual being,) who could live in a physical atmosphere and environment like an earthly and heavenly outer space astronaut kind of life. 4. They were the only ones on earth having double identities but their souls were always close to God and they had close fellowship with Him. 5. Now by abandoning and stripping the powers and gifts of the paradise system. Adam had to wear clothes like the astronauts who go into outer space. The first sin had caused unimaginable destruction to the entire creation . 6. God had to operate on this most dangerous and serious of emergency situations. 7. God took Eve and put on her own dress and man in his own dress. God had to split one unit, Adam into two souls but did not have to break a rib. Now we have; Mr. president Adam and First Lady Mrs. Eve Adam. 8. We do not seem to realize that as long as we have this animal like concept, perception, attitude, and behavior ; there will be wars, crimes, killings, endless terrorism, famines, floods, hurricanes, cyclones, out burst of volcanoes, hunger, starvations, sicknesses and all kinds of disasters which we cannot imagine. 9. The emotional outbursts and unbalances of mind have no control over our behavior. It is the instinct of the animal like uncontrolled nature and mentality of the so called Mr. and Mrs. Adam. 10. All evil originated with Adam and Eve. I, being the student and traveler of various countries, religions, cultures, and associate of various societies and civilizations have found that the perception of man about woman is mostly as a second class sub human citizen or orderly on stand by to take orders. God created Adam and Eve to stand before God in equality. I believe; that if God had created Mrs. Adam less than his own quality, then he doesnt want a helper who is simply suitable for him to fill in the blanks. What if Mrs. Adam, being inferior as a second class partner makes horrible mistakes and Mr. Adam has to pay the cost? 11. Why not make a suitable with equal authority and dominion to control over the entire creation ? Otherwise, Mr. And Mrs. Adam would collapse and creator God would be defeated along with them. 12. . # 1. Women are impressed by feelings and men by facts. Focusing on facts is good indeed but should not be used to dominate and bury the other person. # 2. Women are interdependent and men are independent. Independence has its place, especially when it comes to standing against unholy peer pressure. In the body a hand cannot afford to be independent. # 3. Woman likes to cooperate and man likes to compete. When God gives us a suitable helper there is a balance. Balance in both man and woman do not compete. # 4. Woman connects with talking and man in doing. Positive and practical actions are wonderful and healthy but when it becomes aggressiveness. It damages and destroys the woman. Action needs to be followed by talking. #5. Woman tends to be agreeable but man loves to control. Our super animal like nature likes to have control over the weak and compete with equal or more powerful people. 13. Every one wants to be a winner over one another to be significant. It is nothing but selfishness for self display, self glory and self delight. 14. It is time to realize that this super animal by the name of man has been crushed by his own iniquities. We are a done deal now. We are ready to be burned like a moldy grass. The time is near for us to be destroyed with massive destruction. It is we who did not allow each other to live in the likeness and image of God through Christ Jesus. It is us who did not comprehend the love of God through his only begotten son Jesus of the manger. It is us; who did not accept the grace and glory of God. It is us who believe in sights rather than faith. It is us who believe in our insignificance rather than the significance of our outer space powers and glory. 15. We tend to believe only in things we can see. Sometimes, even though we see, we still do not believe. We believe the disastrous events occurring to others which cannot occur to us. 16. This is the last opportunity, we have as the human race to rescue ourselves. We need to awaken our malnourished souls, we need to feed and purify them. 17. What should we do then? Be humble like a Lamb and cooing Dove to sits on the humble Lamb. Like Jesus was ; who was obedient to end up on Cursed Calvary Tree on the Cursed ground to redeem us once for all. 18. Now we are not residing on Cursed Ground but are heir to the thrown with king of all kings being princes and Princesses. 19. just need to say 5 words; ( SIR WE WOULD SEE JESUS ‘) JOHN 12:21. Amen. ‘
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:28:24 +0000

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