REPENTANCE & HOLINESS MINISTRY! The Ministry of the LORD... The - TopicsExpress


REPENTANCE & HOLINESS MINISTRY! The Ministry of the LORD... The HEAVEN-WARD Ministry... The ROADMAP to Heaven. The Journey to the New Jerusalem... From Repentance to Holiness... From the Narrow Road to the Super HIGHWAY. With our Cloaks tucked into our Belts and our Sandals on our feet and our staffs in our hands, let us begin this long tire-some journey into the Heavenlies. Beginning from Jeremiah 6:16 HE Says: This is what the LORD Says: Stand at the CROSSROADS and Look; Ask for the Ancient PATHS, Ask where the GOOD WAY is, and Walk in it, and you will find REST for your Souls. That no sooner had we began walking than we reach a spiritual Crossroads. That behold, A Crossroads! A Junction! An Intersection! Two roads meeting together and crossing each other; one leading to HEAVEN and the other one to HELL and DESTRUCTION. And then HE Says, Ask where the GOOD WAY is, Meaning you cant GET it unless you are HELPED; unless the HOLY SPIRIT Reveals it to you. In Mathew 7:13-14 HE Says... Enter through the NARROW Gate. For Wide is the Gate and BROAD is the ROAD that Leads to DESTRUCTION, and many Enter through it. But Small is the Gate and NARROW the ROAD that Leads to LIFE. The two Gates... The two Roads... And HE Says... Enter through the Small Gate and Follow the NARROW Road. This Road... This Road is HIDDEN and only a few Find it. Its unpopular with men and trodden one-by-one; not two-by-two. Its name is REPENTANCE... And its full of thorns and thistles and DISCOURAGEMENTS. Here the enemy strikes often and without notice... But if you persist moving forward and NOT LOOKING back, then HEll Broaden the Path for you that your knees may not give way (Psalm 18:36). And if you continue soldiering on unpertubed then youll find yourself on that BLESSED SUPER HIGHWAY being Celebrated in Isaiah 35:8-9!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 19:49:01 +0000

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