REPENTANCE OR HYPOCRISY?? I have no antipathy towards any group - TopicsExpress


REPENTANCE OR HYPOCRISY?? I have no antipathy towards any group of people. I think myself too grand of a Muslim for any malice or hatred. This very write-up is a critique of certain behaviors exhibited by some Muslim that I found repugnant and hypocritical. Many are those who are going to hate me after reading this write-up, if you find yourself hating me, then you belong to the very group of Muslims this write-up has targeted. By the very nature of human beings, they are susceptible to sins and transgression of Allahs limits. This may be due to their ignorance, worldly struggle for ephemeral and tantalizing things, or Satan’s handiwork. In particular, Muslims are warned against gossiping, backbiting, slandering, hypocrisy, lying, cheating, duping, hatred, nursing grudge, keeping malice, fornicating as these vices negate the teachings of the Holy Quran. But since Muslims are like any human beings created to err as a result of forgetfulness, they need to be reminded and coached against any social vices from time to time. This will requires a fixed training period where Muslims will know and learn how to put an end to vices, learn virtues and get nearer to Allah. That training period is chosen by Allah to be the Ramadan fast which occurs once in every year. During Ramadan, every part of the body must be restrained. The tongue must be restrained from backbiting and gossip. The eyes must restrain themselves from looking at unlawful things. The hand must not touch or take anything that does not belong to it. The ears must refrain from listening to idle talk or obscene words. The feet must refrain from going to sinful places. In such a way, every part of the body observes the fast. Muslims are advised to live within the tenet of Islam and promise never go back to reprehensible attitude after Ramadan. The one month of fasting is religious couching that psyche us and also tells us if we are able to abstain from such negative behaviors for a month, then there is possibility of staying away from it for the whole year. Our intentions towards Ramdan should be genuine repentance. But if our intention is to revere the month of Ramadan and immediately it passes we jump into our old filthy and odourfarious behavior, then such attitude warrant the description of a hypocrite. I would like to debunk a misconception that is lingering in the mind of most Muslim youth of today, Every action, attitude or behavior that is Haraam (forbidden} in ordinary month is equally haram in Ramadan and vice versa. Is common to see girls spending months in the homes of their boyfriends but only return to their homes when is Ramadan and moves back to her boyfriend’s house after Ramadan, such behavior is hypocrisy and unaccepted behavior in Islam. Indecent dresses that hitherto formed part of our Zongo communities has been put on hold temporally, Some of them will soon jump into their devilish uniform immediately Ramadan is over, if you happen to be among the category of people who are sadden with the coming of this month and wish is over for you to indulge in your God forsaken life, then be rest assured you are among very people the Quran describes as Munafiq (hypocrite). Just take a few minutes to surf through the various social networks and see for yourself how some ladies have quickly change their profile pictures to more decent pictures with veils on them. My sisters can you maintain this picture even after Ramadan please? Veiling is not only permissible in Ramadan and my brothers, uttering good words is also not restricted to only Ramadan let our status on facebook and pictures on Instagram speak well about us and our religion. Fornication is not permissible in ordinary months, so my brothers and sisters if you have suspended your fornication account for one month, I advice that you close that account permanently, back biting, stealing and any other morally reprehensible behavior that is currently on hold should be discarded forever. We should continue in our good deeds even after Ramadan. Be constant in observing the five obligatory prayers and other acts of worship. Know that, among the signs of the acceptance of a good deed is to continue and be steadfast in performing that deed. . We don’t own our lives and is only him above that can tell If we will be opportune to be among the living in next year’s Ramadan, so let all take advantage of this blessing month. Nobody is perfect but at least let us all strive for perfection.I am sure this write-up will generate some dogmatically jingoistic comments.I criticise actions that I feel deserves critisims and I do that unabashedly and unreservedly Salaam Mohammed Mustapha At 644 Achimota Tel: 0266722272 or 0233722272
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:01:28 +0000

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