REPORT-ON HOUSEWIVES, PENSIONERS & LAWYERS 3 JAN 2015 KUCHING UNITY FORUM- SEDITION ACT VIOLATES SARAWAK SABAH RIGHTS SEDITION DRAGNET FAILS TO DAMPEN NATIONALIST ENTHUSIASM About 100 people attended the Kuching Forum on 3rd Jan 2015 on the proposed amendments to the Sedition Act 1948. The turn out was encouraging despite the scaremongering in the press, banning of an NGO SAPA and very blatant intimidation of activists. A lawyer from Malaya could not attend as speaker as he was stopped from entering Sarawak by direct instructions of the Home Ministry according to knowledgeable sources. One local lawyer and one from Sabah and another from Australia came to talk about why the Sedition Act should not be amended but be abolished. One brave patriot a housewife came on an overnight bus all the way from out station over 600 km away to attend and to voice her concern about the Sedition Act. The popular support for secession was felt from the big round of applause after some one on the floor said if Singapore can secede so can Sarawak. Sorry most of you missed this really genuine and electrifying moment. Our campaign is not for secession but for self-determination as UK did not properly de-colonized Sarawak and Sabah in 1963. Secession implies Malaysia was legally willingly and freely formed with the consent of the people. However, the people were not even allowed a referendum to decide the Malaysia Question. Part of the campaign is a PETITION to the UN to ask the UN to review its endorsement of Malaysia formation. This led to their banning of SAPA. But let us hope that those who could not make it will be there for the final when we declare our freedom from colonial rule.... Let us unite & make it come true sooner!... If our brave housewife patriot can make it surely those in Kuching could do 1000% better?? https://hornbillunleashed.wordpress/2015/01/05/67473/
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:26:16 +0000

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