REPOST: Im dating this fine brotha... chocolate, tall, educated, - TopicsExpress


REPOST: Im dating this fine brotha... chocolate, tall, educated, got his own everything and shit has gotten real serious with us. Ive met his parents and vise versa. I attend social gatherings and we do almost everything together. He even proposed to me. But i wanna call the wedding off, bcuz i prepared dinner for him at his place and i noticed something bothering him and when he told me i dont think i can continue what we have. He owes $14, 000 in child support and they are gonna suspend his license next wk. He is still paying off student loans and behind in rent by five months and to top it off..... the jewelry store wants my engagement ring back What should i do? Leave him or stay and work it out? He obviously hasnt been taking care of his business and i dont think marriage is appropriate right now and im not for taking care of a grown man. He has helped me in my home and neglected his.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 18:22:58 +0000

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