REPOST from KERYGMA: LOOKING THROUGH THE EYES OF GOD Turning to the disciples in private he said, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.” – Luke 10:23 Meryll was feeling depressed because she still didn’t have work since she migrated to Canada. She had sent her application to a number of companies but none of them were willing to take a risk on a new migrant like her. Then one day, I was surprised to see a chat message from her. She relayed to me that she already got a job. The biggest blessing was that her work at the new company was almost exactly the same as what she had in Manila. This helped her adjust to her work at a much faster pace. She told me that she would no longer question the timing of God. The delay in finding her job was well worth it. She realized that God had just been preparing the “perfect” work for her. Most of the time, we see events that are happening differently from how God sees them. Our eyes don’t immediately see the purpose behind our circumstances. We may not see yet the blessing in a trial because God is still preparing something better for us. Alvin Fabella (alvinfabella@yahoo) Reflection: The ability to see beyond the trial to the blessing behind it is a grace and blessing in itself. Lord, open my eyes and heart that I may see the blessing that is hidden in the trials I am facing or may be facing in the future. Amen. St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, pray for us.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 07:03:16 +0000

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