REPOSTING DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND. AND YOUR CHOICE TO BELIEVE IT OR NOT. BY IRON LADY MUSAMBA. GEORGE CHELLAH, YOUR TREACHERY, BETRAYAL AND TRICKERY GAMES ARE OVER As a Zambian citizen, I am free to criticize my Government and President on issues I feel they are not doing well. Where President Sata has done well, I have praised him and scolded him where he has fallen short. However, for all his weaknesses and strengths, I cannot say or write anything about President Sata, especially and when it compromises the security, stability and economy of the Country. For I know that President’s Sata’s failure is Zambia’s failure and his success is our success. Therefore, I feel duty bound to support him to succeed through constructive criticism. Having said that, l was deeply disturbed when I saw a report on the Zambian Watchdog, alleging that President Michael Sata was literally indisposed due to illness. The Report further falsely alleges that service chiefs were now making major decisions in the Country. But any ordinary Zambian knows that Cabinet, which is headed by the President, is the highest decision making authority in the Country, then we go down to Ministries, Provinces and Districts. In all these entities, there are Civil servants making decisions in their area of domain on the Governance of this country. Hence whether the President is there or not things will run smoothly in the country without interruption. You don’t need to be a Lawyer to understand that the President, by himself, doesn’t make major decisions save for who he wants to see, where he wants to go and the like. Therefore, it takes an imbecile to insinuate and believe that Service Chiefs have taken over decision making in the country. The people of Zambia elected Michael Sata as President and my loyalty, as a responsible citizen, is therefore to him alone and his government. Until the people withdraw this mandate, we are all obliged to respect the mandate, and help Sata’s government achieve their development goals. Driven by this spirit, I have been determined to fight any one attempting to disrupt this God-given and people’s mandate entrusted in President Sata until 2016 and I have come strongly against certain individuals, groups and their political parties. So whether it’s UPND, HH, Winter Kabimba, or the Zambian Watchdog trying to undermine this mandate or insiders like the author of this report, I give them one promise- I will expose them. Off course this Report is preposterous and a close scrutiny of it, quickly reveals that it’s the work of a highly disgruntled insider who has since lost favour and whose role at State House has become increasingly insignificant. And the Report also demonstrates that because of the impending changes that President Sata is determined to make to shift focus to a team that is loyal, patriotic, which has no ulterior motives and only worries about the welfare of the country than the current corrupt and self enriching team led by a team benefiting from the infamous oil-deal where Zambia lost over USD 100 Million, road contracts given to Chinese and all sorts of constructions in exchange for kickbacks, maneuvers such as one demonstrated in this report will try scandalize the President. So that he looks weak, ill and incapable of making such decisions. Like most bloggers already know, George Chellah leaks (under his many pseudonyms mail and face book accounts (i.e. Michael Hova Chirwa removed Hova after the first exposure, Saviour Nsofwa Kayula, Lily Cheswa, Judge Ngoma, and Bo Mukwae Etambuyu Akende) etc a steady stream of information to the Zambian Watchdog, on President Sata’s alleged illness and medical trips, and against cabinet ministers he perceives are not in Wynter Kabimba’s camp (Alexander Chikwanda, Edgar Lungu, Chishimba Kambwili Harry Kalaba and others). He is so naïve and careless that he regularly attacks those he perceived to be anti-Kabimba in his online newspapers such as the Zambian Intelligence News, Tumfweko, Mwaiseni and Mwebantu. How has President Sata allowed this boy to regularly attack and scandalize the President’s own cabinet ministers and officials, with this impunity? But the Report below was the last straw for me. Because what it is proposing is a coup d’état against a legitimately elected and constitutional government. I challenge George Chellah to deny that he didn’t author and consequently leak this story to the Zambian Watchdog. In this report, he was so determined and keen to show that the President is suffering from dementia, that he catalogues examples that have inadvertently given him away. My questions are: Who knows the President’s schedule and the people he has seen or about to see? Who would be aware of outstanding security decisions that the President is about to make? If indeed the Defense Minister takes reports for approval to State House, who would know the particular details as described in this report? Who would know about the medical condition elaborately described in the Report? In the Report, the author gives himself away when he says “‘He started pointing at people no one else could see and this FORCED US to remove everybody out of the place and took the President to rest. He even failed to recognize his own party members who visited him yesterday, ask them they know themselves who were here yesterday,’. My question to George is: Who is the “Us” that were forced to remove the President’s guests from his office? “Who is the “us” that took the President to rest? I put to you that there is no intelligence officer at State House leaking information. It is you. But betrayal and treachery is well known in power institutions such as palaces and presidential offices. And usually the closest to the King is usually the one who would betray most as demonstrated by the following quotes; “For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.” Suzzane Collins, “I used to advertise my loyalty and I dont believe there is a single person I loved that I didnt eventually betray.” - Albut Camus, The Fall. “Its hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it....” – Nicole Richie “Tricks and treachery are merely proofs of lack of skill” – Francois de la Rochefoucauld George Chellah, I put it to you that President Michael Sata is well enough to complete his five-year mandate. God put him on that earthly throne, and God will see him through whatever machinations, lies, deceit and trickery that you and your masters try put the President and the country through. I heard that in Israel, the President was given good thumbs up prognosis. I exposed the ZWD and I have dared to expose you. Whoever attacks my President, will meet me at the door before he thinks of going in to finish him. As we celebrate our prized traditional ceremony this weekend, Happy Umutomboko to you all. Below is the alleged Report The Joint Chiefs of Staff comprising the Zambia Army, Zambia Air Force (ZAF), Zambia National Service (ZNS), Office of the President –Special Division and Police have secretly taken over presidential decision-making due to President Michael Sata’s inability to reason properly and make independent, sensible decisions. Intelligence sources have told the Zambian Watchdog that the decision was arrived at following President Sata’s consistent failure to make decisions as Commander -n-Chief of the armed Forces. ‘He has failed to make decisions on several serious security concerns because of his worsened condition,’ said intelligence sources. Sources revealed that there have been serious security concerns from the Congo DR and from Somalia and Kenya in relation to suspected Al-Shabaab militants believed to have entered Zambia after staging attacks in Kenya. The Zambian security wings are believed to have arrested some Somali and Kenyans who came to hide in Zambia masquerading as hair plaiters. Sources revealed that the decision to take over decision making from the President was first discussed when Sata was evacuated to Israel and was mainly due to the lack of a clear power transfer from Sata to Wynter Kabimba. Defence Minister Edgar Lungu has attended several meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and usually delivers all documents to State House for stamping of the Presidents’ Stamp signature since Sata can no longer sign with his own hand. Sources said since 8th June 2014, Sata’s dementia has evolved into a serious form of dementia known as ‘mixed dementia’ which is usually a combination of Alzheimer’s disease and another type of dementia called frontotemporol dementia or vascular dementia. ‘Our military and security medical personnel strongly advised that we take control of decision making because the Presidents’ condition has reached the last stages of dementia whose symptoms are worsening,’ the source said. ‘At this stage people tend to need 24 hour supervision because they wonder about, hallucinate, fall or become unable to control the bladder and bowels (incontinent) and a person at this stage may lose the ability to eat or swallow and may need assistance with virtually every aspect of daily life. The appetite declines to a point where a person does not want to eat and may not want or be able to get out of bed’’, the source said. The source explained that at this stage he may no longer recognise familiar people, which is now the case with Sata. Other symptoms include agitation, significant changes in sleep habits and trouble in sleeping. Intelligence sources revealed that other reasons that necessitated the ‘take over’ was because the Commander in –Chief can no longer be relied upon to make decisions and the other reason was to block unscrupulous power hungry senior PF members from taking over the country via the back door. File photo: commanders salute Lungu when he was acting president ‘Even the decision to make Defense Minister Edgar Lungu to be in charge of government business in the absence of Vice-President Guy Scott was made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff,’ said the source. ‘Why do you think people like Kabimba are now silent and cautious with what they say? We have told them through the Defense Minister that we will do everything within our power to protect the nation even from PF members. We have even appealed to the PF to allow the President to rest, it is the PF that is killing the President by not allowing him to rest, these PF chaps are torturing the President by insisting that he continues yet they can see his condition,’ said one source. Meanwhile State House sources have revealed that there was panic yesterday (23rd July) when PF members visited Sata. Sata started rumbling and talking about issues no one could understand. ‘He started pointing at people no one else could see and this forced us to remove everybody out of the place and took the President to rest. He even failed to recognise his own party members who visited him yesterday, ask them they know themselves who were here yesterday,’ the source said. Sata has not been seen in public for more than one month now. A few days ago, still photos of Sata were shown to the public but he was never heard say anything. In fact no member of the public saw him walk. He has failed to swear in constitutional office holders who were ratified by parliament a long time ago. Some Like Attorney General Musa Mwenye have started working before taking oath of office.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:40:13 +0000

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