REPOSTNG THE WRITERS CONTEST RULES TO BE SURE EVERYONE SEES THEM.. cheryl WRITERS - HERES THE CONTEST RULES FOR THE BSG PORTION OF THE FAN FICTION (Writers Seminar) - DEADLINE: APRIL 2015 Judges remain anyonmous (there are 5).... PLEASE NOTE: Contest rules will be coming for a general Sci Fi Fan Fic contest, which should include your stories on Firefly, Star Trek or something you create from scratch. They will be similar! WRITERS START WRITING! Here are the BSG ones: FAN FICTION CONTEST RULES FOR BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (Separate info will be provided for Firefly FanFic) Fanfiction competition 1. This contest is open to Fan Fiction based on the TV series Battlestar Galactica and it’s off shoots. (Please watch for separate information regarding Firefly or general Sci-Fi Fan Fiction) 2. Limit 10,000 words. We do encourage longer stories as opposed to those under 5,000 words. 3. A winner will be declared for each fandom and then – we will choose one overall winner. (Prizes will be awarded) PLEASE MARK SUBMISSON FOR THIS PORTION OF THE CONTEST WITH ‘BSG’ 4. Judges will be from all the fandoms and shall remain anonymous. 5. Stories accepted can be slash, family friendly, action adventure, dramatic – however, anyone submitting ‘slash’ must so mark their submission in the subject line. In submitting a story you also agree to abide by the rules set out below: The story must include two or more of the Battlestar Galactica cast as its principal character(s) and be no more than 10,000 words. Battlestar Galactica can be the Original Series or the Re-imagined series. There are TWO categories – Family Friendly and Slash. Slash will be accepted as long it is does not cross the line into raunchy (if using movie guidelines, most R would be accepted, nothing that crosses over into X rating.) When submitting, the category must be stated in the subject line on your electronic email submission. No more than one submission per author is permitted. Stories may not have been published on the web in any form prior to submission. Story may be a short story or a portion of another story as long as the chapter(s) can stand on their own. If your story appeared in print in a limited release format (such as a small fan club) you must write for permission to submit it before doing so. In most instances that will still be considered previously published, however a few exceptions may be made. Any story that goes beyond the 10,000 word limit will automatically be disqualified. Any historical characters used must be properly researched, although some poetic licence with the history will be permitted. Characters from the series must retain the general characteristics assigned to them by the series writers. The judges decision as to which stories will be used for the Writers Seminar are final. Questions should be addressed in advance. All submissions must be accompanied by the official submission form and in electronic format as an attachment emailed to [email protected]. The stories will be passed along to the appropriate judges. The permission-submission form will be maintained by Galacticon. YOU MUST SUBMIT ONE COPY WITH YOUR NAME ON IT, AND A SECOND COPY AS A BLIND SUBMISSION. ONLY BLIND SUBMISSIONS CAN BE REVIEWED BY OUR PANEL OF JUDGES AND CONSIDERED FOR USE IN THE SEMINAR AND/OR CONTEST. Hard copies cannot be considered. Finalists will be announced two weeks before the convention. Winners will be announced during the convention. Prizes to be awarded. You do not have to attend the seminar to win. Deadline for submission: April 2, 2015. Deadline is final. You will be required to sign an official electronic submission form. You may write for submission form at any time.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:18:13 +0000

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