REPRODUCED: SALEHS CRIMINAL OIL, MINERAL DEALS IN UGANDA ========================================== Salehs Criminal oil, mineral deals in Uganda, posted on 02/10/08 (and re-posted on 25/11/11) is now brought to you due to popular demand. There is a danger that this very important article might be overlooked by Katwe readers and the country, because it is continuously being overshadowed by the never ending outrageous and scandalous events which keep on streaming out from our seat of power. In order to salvage our country from the jaws of the local and international mafia, now headquartered in Kampala, all Ugandans must cooperate, and answer the clarion call which RK started just a few years ago, so that the task of studying, exposing and eventually destroying this cancerous growth is hastened. For too long Ugandans have been focusing exclusively on Museveni the despot, ignoring the power behind the man; the evil empire, many times more monstrous than Babylon. My compatriot in his article, cited above, appear to have already covered some considerable ground in his research. However, when one is trying to understand a cobweb of mafia type of organizations which are backed by sleazy trans-national corporations plus the added covert support of rogues states one can never come up with a comprehensive and exhaustive enquiry. Even this additional contribution may well be just a tip of the iceberg! My suggestion is that my compatriot should look at the different organizations under the following heads: SARACEN: ----------- This is a subsidiary of Executive Outcome. It was established to provide security for Branch Energy, with the aim of looting the Karamoja gold, etc. It is believed that Major Gen.Salim owns 45% shares and Branch Energy owns 25%. It is not clear who owns the remaining shares. Military hardwares for Uganda are believed to be procured by Saracen. They are also alleged to have been involved in recruiting mercenaries to fight the LRA. One Saracen employee is believed to have been found dead along the border of Southern Sudan , sometime ago, well before the recent Operation Lightening thunder. Maj.Gen Salim Saleh is a close associate of Heckie Horn (MEP), an EU parliamentarian. At one time both were investigated by the UN for violating the UN embargo on the Congo . Salims partner in crime was one of those selected by the EU, despite the obvious conflict of interest, to observe the last (rigged) Uganda election, of 2006. Does it surprise any one that the report was favourable! It only goes to show the extend to which Western institutions insult the intelligence of African leaders and their people. Other possible shareholders are Tim Spicer, Jean-Pierre Bemba (already nicked) and Tony Buckingham (former SAS in the Balkans), etc. EXECUTIVE OUTCOMES: --------------------------- The company was incorporated offshore, in the Isle of Man , in 1993, by Tony Buckingham, and Simon Mann. Incorporation in the Isle of Man suggests that the company has something to hide, ie tax evasion or something more sleazy than that. It is subsidiary of Strategic Resources Corporation, which aims, inter alia, at controlling the natural resources of failed states. White South Africas war of aggression against Mozambique , Angola , Namibia , etc.aimed at forestalling the death of apartheid, came to an end, when Black South Africa attained independence, in 1994. This white mercenary group was made up of those soldiers who were demobilized. The rogue company was founded and registered in the UK by Eben Barlow, Tony Buckingham and Simon Mann( now rightfully in Equatorial Guinea jail).Other EO personnel are reputed to be Nic Van de Burg, Michael Grunberg, D H Parker, Salim Saleh., possibly Raymond Moi, etc. The company has contracts with De Beers, Chevron, Rio Tinto Zinc and Texaco, all partners in the looting and destruction of Africa . Mr. Eb Barlow created EO from Koevoet formerly a police unit which operated as a death squads, which masterminded black-on-black violence in South Africa . Executive Outcomes was reportedly dissolved on 1st Jan. 1999 when the newly independent Black South Africa introduced the 1998 Regulations of Foreign Military Assistance Act aimed at stopping mercenary activities. Thereafter the company seems to have gone underground and resurfaced like the proverbial phoenix under the dubious name of Lifeguard, incorporated separately in Pretoria . Executive Outcomes is deeply enmeshed in the same network exposed in a South African courtroom in September, 1996, as responsible for the death of Olaf Palme the Swedish Prime Minister, in 1986. The alleged conspirators cited in the case were one, de Kock, Brig.Johan Dirk Coutzee and James Anthony (Ant) White. EO personnel also are assigned to guard the Karamoja gold mines, while the thiefs carry on looting, just like in the British comedy series. The mine is believed to be jointly owned by Yoweri Museveni and the beloved Baroness Linda Chalker. Allegation has it that Mr.Landa has lost control of Linda, who is now living free range in Uganda . According to Le Figaro the French Newspaper, EO enjoys support at the very highest level in the UK , ie the brainchild of the Privy Council. Sometime back Mr. Courtesy Malcolm wrote, EO is the vanguard of the British monarchs recolonisation of Africa, an operation that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives in the last five years and promise to cost millions more TULLOW: ---------- The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange. The UK company details are not particularly of relevance to my enquiry. As yet I have been unable to obtain details of its operations in Uganda and names of Directors who are Ugandans. Possible other shareholders - Michael Bloomberg, Tony Buckingham, Executive Outcome (corporate shareholder),etc. SANDILINE International --------------------------- This is another mercenary group formed by Executive Outcome, the holding company for Alba Marine, Stuart Mills, etc. It was founded by Simon Mann and Eben Barlow. Tim Spicer, a retired Scottish Guard and former SAS and holder of OBE. Was he knighted for raiding and looting and Africa successfully? Nevertheless he was chosen to lead the company as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) in Dec.1996 the company was officially incorporated by Tony Buckingham, Simon Mann,(who was also involved in the bloody Sierra-Leone diamond war), Eben Barlow, Tim Spicer, Michael Grunberg, and Nic Van de Berg. The writer recalls that the British Parliament sent peace keeping troops to Sierra Leone , supposedly for six months but the troops have been there more than six years!. To me this does not come as a surprise, because diamonds are for ever. Both Sandiline and EO are controlled by a shadowy front, Viz, Chelsea Plaza 107 in London. Mr. Tim Spicer later started another mercenary company, Crisis and Risk Management Ltd, which metamorphosed into Counseling International, which again metamorphosed into Trident Maritime. He now owns Aegis Defense Services. It has a subsidiary called Aegis Management which is a sanitized form of Sandiline. Col. Tim Spicer was involved in many mercenary activities including one in Papua New Guinea, when he attempted to seize Paguna Copper Mines by force. This sparked off a revolution. Guess who came to his rescue! He was released on behest of the Godfather, the British government. Later he was again involved in yet another ill-fated mercenary expedition in Equatorial Guinea, with Mark Thatcher, who because of his family connection was let off the hook on plea bargaining, allegedly with the help of Whitehall. Plea bargaining is tantamount to admission of guilt in return for pardon/fine.Their unlucky friend, Simon Mann is now serving life in Malabo prison. Attempts by the British establishment to stop the fugitives being extradited to Equatorial Guinea to face trial was turned down, thanks to Robert Mugabe. That is only the second reason why Mr.Mugabe is wanted so desperately by Britain , dead or alive! The first reason is because the Zimbabwe armys earlier intervention on the side of the Kinsasha regime of Mr Kabila(senior) in 1996 et seq., to foil yet another plot to topple Mr.Kabila , by the British/USA backed forces of Uganda , Rwanda and Burundi . Executive Outcomes is believed to be closely linked to the UK private military company Sandiline International. Some of their linkages have been revealed in Janes Intelligence Review, a UK ( Coulsdon, Surrey ) based company, of September, 1997. Possible shareholders- T.Buckingham , Simon Mann, Mark Thatcher, etc. HERITAGE OIL & GAS: ------------------------ Key players in this company include Senior demagogue, Lord David Steel, a Privy Councilor and former Liberal Leader. He is busy recruiting more African leaders into this U K based Masonic Lodge ring. He is a close friend of Tony Buckingham, a partner of Tullow Oil Possible shareholders, T Buckingham, Eb Barlow, etc BRANCH ENERGY( Uganda ): -------------------------------- The company is controlled by Branch Energy Africa, a subsidiary of a Canadian firm Diamond Resources. The holding company bought Branch Mining from Barlow in the late 1995. After that they began operation in Kidepo National Park . Possible shareholders- Brian Westwood, Salim Saleh ( alleged to own 45% share), etc WESTMOND(Malasian): ------------------------- Possible shareholders: Salim Saleh, Tony Buckingham, etc. This company needs to be investigated further, in view of its possible link with Salim Saleh. ENERGY RESOURCES: ------------------------ Main shareholder is another Tony Teixeira a Portuguese born South African citizen. His other company Lyndhurst was involved in diamond mining in Angola . He illegally supplied arms and offered logistics to UNITA in exchange for mining rights. See UK Hansard debate on 18/01/2000. It is not clear to what extent this rogue company is connected to the Uganda mafia. MOSAISI FRIES Em: The Master puppeteers: --------------------------------------------------- The above website says, about Mr.Museveni: A Uganda demagogue who believes that nobody else can lead Uganda . He has handed over Uganda s resources to his foreign masters in the UK . He is involved in the instability in the Congo . Museveni is using Uganda army as a private army to back his Saracen mercenary company in the plunder of Congo s minerals DIAMOND DEALS: --------------------- Please note that some of the mining companies registered in the country are mere fronts, using Uganda as a springboard for looting the Congo , where their minerals actually are derived from. It is believed that Salim Saleh, using his connection with Branch energy is teamed up with a company called Glasol in Kisangani . They also have an interest in having the so called Gen Nkundabatware control the towns of Lubao and Mbuji Mayi with the aim of looting the lucrative diamond in the area. According to Zairean sources, the rebel leader Laurent Nkunda is no more than a mercenary of Barrick Gold, a Toronto based company and Anglo-American Corporation sponsored by the British Crown. It may seem strange to Congolese why Mr.Kabila invited UPDF back into the DRC, given their known track record. The problem with Kabila which the Congolese should take note of is that his personal interest is in conflict with that of the DRC. He is in the pocket of Barrick Gold and Anglo-American, who are deliberately misadvising him. Barrick Gold and all the Kangaroo companies in the region are allies and therefore Mr.Kabila shares the same Godfather with his supposed enemies., Nkunda, Kagame and M7. Their long term strategy is to make Nkunda powerful enough to control Eastern DRC for long enough to enable the Anglo-Saxons to make a case in the UN for the cession of Eastern DRC, and thereby facilitate the creation of a Tutsi controlled region, comprising of Uganda, Rwanda Burundi and Eastern DRC. Unless the AU can create a force to counter this plan the Congolese will regret why they ever trusted Kabila to lead their country. Eastern DRC is about to be illegally ceded from the DRC! It is not without cause that the Tutsis ( a tiny minority in the entire GLR) have already two memberships of the UN Security council! All said and done, I wish to conclude that there is no way the British establishment can exculpate itself from accusation of connivance with these mercenary companies, looters and killers of the third world, because nearly all the companies are domiciled in the UK and most of the directors are UK citizens. Could it be that by incorporating in the UK the directors know that their activities, which they do for Queen and country have the backing of the UK Government and therefore the veil of incorporation will never be lifted to expose them? If so, then it becomes clear why every time these rogue traders get in trouble with laws of the client state/international law, the British Government is always seen coming to bail them out, as it happened with Tim Spicer(Papua New Guinea) and more recently, well-bred Mark Thatcher. One notices that there is a pattern: In Uganda the mining concessions granted, ie in respect of Karamoja, for extracting the gold and in Bunyoro for the oil have both been given to British companies, possibly fronting for the Privy Council, without the normal tendering procedure being followed. This leads one to conclude that even the Amuru land due to be stolen by Museveni, supposedly for Madhvanis sugar estate, is just another lie. Mr.Madhvani could well be yet another front for a British company fronting for the Privy Council, given that the real motive for the illegal and forceful acquisition of the land is not for a sugar plantation but for the oil underneath. Their Godson, President Yoweri.Museveni has no choice but to oblige, whatever the Godfather wants, without any tendering formalities. It has to be Amuru, (where there is oil) and no where else! It is a matter of life and death for him to deliver, albeit illegally, or else he will be cast into hellfire People of the GLR must understand that what is happening in this region is straight from Anglo-Saxon Policy think tank for 21st century text book. The plan is that they will go all out to the third world, forget about good governance, democracy or human rights and exploit (I rather say loot) the resources of third world countries to ensure that the mother country(ies) can maintain their already high standard of living. Some of these ideas can be gleaned from a book entitled, Re-ordering the world; Geopolitical perspective on the 21st century, by George J Demko and William B Wood (ISBN: 978081331724). The great Oxford Don Isaiah Berlin was believed to be one of the chief architects of this liberal think tank policy. Tony Blair Britains ex-Prime Minister, and now Advisor to Kagames bloodthirsty regime, is said to be a passionate disciple of the late Professor Berlin, who, as only fate would have it, died in November,1997, just six months after Tony Blair became British Prime Minister, in May 1997. Compatriot Independent Financial Analyst, fellow countrymen and women, the whole thing is a maze of complex underworld relationships, so difficult to unravel and even far more complicated to comprehend perhaps than the trinity. The fraudsters take cover behind the twin pillars of English Company law doctrines of corporate personality and limited liability. All the companies and people involved in this racket are like a magicians series of concentric rings, each one inside the other. They are also like the proverbial Arab folklore of the phoenix bird that sets fire to itself and then rises anew from its hashes, every so often; Like the amoebae that keeps replicating itself repeatedly and endlessly as a way of reproducing ( vegetatively), in order to maintain its species. Like the snake that keeps shedding its skin while the real snake inside the new skin remains the same viper; Like our chameleon, the legendry Theif-in-Chief, who changed from Yoseri Tuhaburwa s/o Kayibanda to Yoweri Museveni s/o Kaguta and who is now armed with his immortality luck portion from Zanzibar, Pemba, Malindi, China or wherever and can metamorphose into a pussycat and quickly back to Yoweri; like the stock puzzle of the mythical pregnant bat a friend once told me of, which has a fetus, the fetus inside also has a fetus of its own, and the fetus of the fetus also has its own fetus, etc, etc, ad infinitum. Behind these veils of incorporation are very powerful individuals in high places and establishments, both home and away, who are but wolves impressively adorned in sheeps clothings. Their Godfather(s) operate while leeched onto the prey client- state (in our case Uganda ). The client-sate is then ordered to carry out all sorts of illegal activities, including money laundering, just like the proverbial lion which uses the monkeys paws to pick up hot chestnut from the blazing fire. For further information about Ugandas true image abroad please visit website ugpulse/ and see the caption Uganda now the fraud capital of Africa . It goes on to say, Uganda has outflanked Nigeria , Africas infamously criminal country, in terms of fraud. I hope that in providing this additional research information I have helped to shed more light on the enemies of Africa and thereby alert fellow patriotic Ugandans and Africans alike to know the octopus- like- wizard, and all its tentacles, whose nefarious activities are the direct cause of our endless suffering in the GLR and in the continent. Their activities deprive us of the stability and funds necessary to build modern infrastructure, proper medical, educational and other services, which would raise the quality of life in our country/continent. My heartfelt suggestion is that mining technology is not a preserve of the West (Anglo-Saxon). Africa should expel these Western companies en mass and replace them with similar companies from Russia , China , Japan , etc, (subject to open tenders). Without such drastic measures, the whole of Black Africa will remain the laughing stock of the world. RK Reader.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 09:26:32 +0000

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