REPROGRAMMING PAIN AND PLEASURE PAINFUL SENSATIONS are the body and mind ALARM MECHANISMS warning us that we should distance ourselves from what is causing them or try to remove ( or solve ) what is causing them. We cannot survive without such important alarm mechanisms, unless, of course, we could replace them with something way more efficient. However, many people are born with genes ( and/or epigenetic marks ) that make them unusually predisposed to feel excessive, prolonged or unnecessary physical or mental pain. A future precise genetic ( and epigenetic ) engineering could modulate down these excessive and unnecessary painful experiences. It could be possible reprogram our genes so that the pain mechanisms could be inhibited by our conscious will. So, that whenever we find out that some pain sensation is excessive or unnecessary we could just either down modulate it or switch it off mentally. Furthermore, through genetic engineering, we could also set a default of mild existential pleasure so that everybody would have almost a continuous sensation of well-being. By mild existential pleasure I mean something like what one feels by looking at a beautiful landscape or being caressed by soft strokes. The reason why this default should not be excessive is because, probably, people might stop trying to achieve great goals. The great mental pleasure one gets from achieving great things is what motivates them to invest big efforts and time on realizing them. But if someone already have such great pleasures as innately given he, probably, will become indolent and shallow. This reprogramming of pain and pleasure ( both physical and mental ) should be accompanied by the elimination of all genetic, and later on, even all contagious diseases and a continuous maintenance of our health from the molecular level and upwards. So that, people will mostly stop having even reasons for pain in the first place. Efstratios Filippidis
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:37:16 +0000

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