REPUBLICAN WINS TEST RACE IN FLORIDA. DEMOCRAT OUT. This is the headline and type of article often written over the past few weeks: The Race DEMOCRATS Can’t Afford to Lose (THEY LOST IT!!) It’s rare in politics that anything other than a presidential contest is viewed as a “must win” — but the special election in Florida’s 13th District falls into that category for DEMOCRATS. A loss in the competitive March 11 contest would almost certainly be regarded by dispassionate observers as a sign that President Barack Obama could constitute an albatross around the neck of his party’s nominees in November. And that could make it more difficult for Democratic candidates, campaign committees and interest groups to raise money and energize the grass roots..... ----------------------------- THIS is what happened last night!!! Sample of headlines: IT BEGINS: REPUBLICAN Jolly WINS FL CONGRESSIONAL SEAT Florida special election offers preview of 2014 midterm trends Republican David Jolly wins Florida Special Election in Referendum The victory gives the Republican Party additional ammunition to argue that the political winds have shifted against President Obama since the 2012 election and that public opposition is growing against the Affordable Care Act. CLEARWATER BEACH, Fla. (AP) - REPUBLICAN David Jolly DEFEATED Democrat Alex Sink on Tuesday in a Tampa-area House district where President Barack Obamas health care overhaul got its first test ahead of Novembers midterm elections and both sides spent millions auditioning national strategies.....
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:52:27 +0000

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