REPUBLICANS AND THE RABID RAT What’s with all of these - TopicsExpress


REPUBLICANS AND THE RABID RAT What’s with all of these Republicans suddenly saying of late that it is a shame we can’t have confidence in our government? Why should I ever have, or ever want to have, confidence in my government? What an utterly insane and juvenile idea. Anyone who has ever known me knows that I have never had confidence in my government. Never will. I can see only two reasons for wanting to associate with my government in any way at all - the protection of the People against internal threats, such as criminals (including the criminals in government) and the protection of the People from foreign threats, such as enemies, terrorists, tyrants, and warlords. I’ll join with government for those causes, but for any other – no, that’s well beneath me. It’s the People and Nation who are my Cause, not the government and the system. In all other ways I entirely reject government. It is a wholly American and worthwhile and wholesome thing to utterly reject government. It is naturally American to distrust and disdain government. What have we suddenly become feudal Europeans who need their Lords and Masters to rule them? To parcel out to us our lot and fates? To hell with that, to hell with government. To hell with Republicans or anyone else who vomit out of their open mouths that crap. Let government rot of it’s own diseased pathology, or mercy-kill it off, but by God to want to have confidence in it? Did I suddenly awaken in communist China? That I need the doctrine of government-confidence? You have confidence in government if you like, me I’m far smarter than that. Always have been. Government is a diseased and unnatural beast to begin with, to mix that monster with the idea that I need to bend to it, to submit to it, to tame myself in some way for its precious sake, or to associate myself with its rotten corpse - Republicans what’s wrong with you? Are you now so enthralled by the Sorcerer’s spell that you abjectly worship at the altar of the Witchkings? Are you so close to the rot everyday now that you drink it like ambrosia at your pathetic Potomac cocktail parties? Grow up. Government is not my God and I have nothing but suspicion of it, and if history is any guide at all, more than rightfully so. I want no confidence in it, I plan to be on alert guard against it my whole life, to teach that to my children and grandchildren. Guard yourself and your nation against government, I will tell them, lest it sicken, weaken, and infect you and make you into one of them. Government is a rabid rat gnawing at the edges of a far more decent and healthy life, it is a carrier of plague, I want no confidence nor accommodation with plagues and vermin. Governments exist as an attempt to control men, to hold them down, to tax and regulate and feed off of them and labors, not to prosper, elevate, edify, and serve them. Don’t be such a fool as to deceive yourself otherwise. Your job, your only real job as my political representative, is to control, hobble, and limit government. To cripple and control it. Not to cheerlead it and be its hapless and half-witted Mouth of Sauron. We’ve already got modern liberals aplenty to fill those pathetic and puerile positions. If you need to cheerlead anything how about this: you have confidence in the People, and that it is the Individual People who are most important to America, not its freaking collectivist government.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 04:19:59 +0000

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