REPUBLICANS CALL US SICK FOR FIGHTING FOR A STRONG DEMOCRACY THAT GAVE US THE AMERICAN DREAM FOR ALL AMERICANS We the People who are defending our American democratic way of life are being denounced by Republicans. We want to reclaim the American ideals of citizens helping each other through taxes we paid on our earnings from our work and the income taxes we paid at the end of every year. All of us citizens paid into funds to give us our Social Security income and pay for health care. Our taxes paid for many government programs including our military, public education of our children, and when we lost our jobs we had a temporary income through unemployment. We also paid benefits for those less fortunate in our society. We Democrats were and are a Party of compassion and sharing with our fellow man. Through our efforts and our democratic policies we built this country into a tower of strength and security for ourselves and the millions of people from around the world whom we welcomed to take part in our Democratic dream, That dream started to unravel in the early 1980s when the Republican Party started a campaign of purposeful destruction of our hard-earned Middle Class, destrucdtion of those institutions like Unions who protected us from the greed of corporations, and started to change laws that protected our society such as the restrictions on banking and corporations that kept them in check and forced them to conduct their business honorably and without corruption. We are now having to fight to regain our Middle Class and the security of our citizens - We the Peoople of the United States of America! And what do we face from Republicans around the country? A comment from a Republican small business owner in Kansas who says You guys are so sick.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:51:03 +0000

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