REPUBLICANS: STOP SITTING ON YOUR HANDS Joseph Farah America - TopicsExpress


REPUBLICANS: STOP SITTING ON YOUR HANDS Joseph Farah America is in crisis. Even worse, the world is on fire. Meanwhile, Barak Obama is pouring gasoline on the flames. And what are Republicans in Congress doing about it? Not much. Do they realize there is a midterm election coming up in just over three months/ Do they think they are seizing on the opportunity to increase their control of the House and seize the Senate through a business-as-usual stance? Do they think they’re playing it safe? Do they not realize they have a chance of greatly expanding turnout with some bold and decisive leadership? Why do they seem to be paralyzed in fear and confusion? I don’t get it. What should Republicans in the House and Senate be doing right now? Taking matters into their own hands at the border. If Obama is going to continue to fiddle while the border burns, Republicans need to fill the leadership vacuum and respond to the overwhelming will of the people. SHUT THE BACK DOOR! What’s so hard about this? Do Republicans understand the Constitution clearly sets apart Congress as the most powerful branch of government? Even if the Senate is in control of Democrats, Republicans in the house need to be out front with proposals to end this nightmare. It’s a chance to show the American people there is a real alternative in the election in November. They should be standing up boldly and loudly for Israel—even as Obama pushes the old appeasement and compromise policies of the past. It’s time for Republicans to shout the obvious: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results—in foreign or domestic policy—is nothing short of insanty. Give the American people a clear, well-articulated alternative plan in this midterm election year. Do they really expect people to turn out en masse just to repudiate Obama and the failed policies of the Democrats? How about using the moment to rally new support—from Democrats, independents and the alienated Republican base—with some fresh ideas? Some Republicans are beginning to suggest Obama is daring them to impeach him. Why not surprise him and do it? What will it take to get a rise out of the opposition party? Why are they all sleepwalking through one of the worst crises in American history? Aggressively investigate and expose the Obama administration’s smoking-gun conspiracy to use the Internal Revenue Service as the Democratic Party’s political attack dog, but don’t stop there. Push one an for all for the abolition of the IRS and the income tax. That would get some attention and some likes on Facebook. There are a thousand things the Republican Party could do to make this a mandate election year. But it won’t happen if Republicans sit on their hands. They will neither deserve victory nor experience a resounding one if they take that course. It’s time to roll the dice. It’s time to play hardball. It’s time to fight fire with fire. Obama is not failing. He’s doing just what he always wanted to do – to bring America down, cut it down to size, level the playing field internationally, subvert our once-cherished national independence, move us away from self-government, blow up the constitutional requirement for limited government, divide and conquer, turning e pluribus unum on its head. That’s what he always wanted to do. And he’s succeeding. He doesn’t care that his poll ratings are in the tank. He has no election in his future. He’s banking on completing “the fundamental transformation of America” he boasted about way back in 2008 before he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017. He has 914 days left. (Yes, I’m counting!) Unfortunately, only the hapless Republicans stand in his way.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 18:17:11 +0000

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