REQUEST FOR THE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO CONDUCT AN ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ECO-TOURISM PROJECT AND MANAGEMENT PLANS AT RIVER N0 2, TACUGAMA CHIMPAZEE SANTUATURY, WARA –WARA MOUNTAIN, TIWAI AND BANANA ISLAND, RE-FURBISHMENT OF A 24 BED-ROOM HOTEL AND BUILDING OF A 10 CLASS-ROOM SCHOOL BUILDING (SELECTION OF CONSULTANCY FIRM) NAME OF COUNTRY: REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE NAME OF PROJECT: SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION PROJECT ASSIGNMENT TITLE : CONSULTING SERVICE TO CONDUCT ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING; 1. Integrated Tiwai Community Ecotourism Project – Barri Chiefdom (Pujehun District) and Koya Chiefdom (Kenema District) 2. Integrated Banana Island community Ecotourism Project – Banana Island 3. Promotion of Eco-tourism Products, Services and Facilities within River No. 2 – Freetown Peninsula 4. Tacugama chimpanzee Sanctuary – Charlotte/Regent Village Area 5. Wara-Wara Mountain Tourism Project 6. Refurbishment of 24 Bed-Room Hotel at the MMCE&T Brookfields Campus 7. Construction of 10 Class Rooms at the MMCE&T Brookfields Campus REFERENCE NUMBER: NTB/ARHM/ESIA/STDPP-T2/10/2013 DATE OF ISSUE: Thursday 24th, 2013 SOURCE OF FUNDS The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and the National Tourist Board has received funding from the Enhanced Integrated Framework Trust Fund for the implementation of a sustainable tourism development promotion projects (STDPP),and the development of ecotourism sites in Sierra Leone within the context of the EIF Tier 2 Tourism Project – Sierra Leone and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant for eligible payments under the contract for Consulting services for a ESMF study leading to the issuance of an environmental permit. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT At design stage the sustainable tourism development promotion project (STDPP) has been registered with the competent authority (EPA-SL) categorized as an ESMF project, owing to the fact that, the impacts are sight specific and should be manageable to acceptable levels. World Bank safeguards policies applicable to the project such as environmental and social assessment (OP4.01), pest management (OP4.09), natural habitats (OP4.04), and involuntary settlement (OP4.12). Specifically OP4.04 could be triggered because ecotourism and research activities at the various project areas are expected to affect the respective communities and wildlife habitats. Within the frame work of the support provided under the Sustainable Tourism Development and Promotion Project, major rehabilitation and construction work will be carried out to build Eco-tourism lodge, relevant facilities at Wara-Wara mountain, Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary again to build and rebuild derelict Eco-tourism infrastructural facilities in River No. 2 , Tiwai Island and Banana Island tourist center, construction of ten class-room school and Refurbishing of a 24 bed-room Hotel. However, the donor and government of Sierra Leone regulation require the conduct of site-specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessment or Environmental Social Management Plan as the case may be in accordance with the provision of the ESMF of the project. Furthermore, the project is expected to consult upon and disclose the site –specific ESIA OR ESMP. Thereafter ensure that the relevant mitigation and monitoring provision of the ESIA or ESMP, as the case may be, if applicable are appropriately included in the works contract concluded for the sites and implemented in the carrying out of such works TASK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CONSULTANT In order to perform the assignment for which this TOR is articulated, the consultant will be expected to undertake investigation on social aspect, economic activities, and conservation of natural resources natural habitat, public consultation and disclosure. The detail scope of service or task to be undertaken by the consultant will be provided at the National Tourist Board’s Reception. Qualification, Experience and Expertise A minimum of a master’s degree in, Environmental Science related to the assignment, especially previous experience in EIS, tourism related assignment and economic evaluation of community infrastructure upgrading. At least 15 years of consultancy experience in the Environmental Impact assessment at a senior level, including team leader experience; • Experience in and preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessment • Experience in Environmental and Social Management Framework for sustainable rural water and Sanitation project. • Experience in working in Protected Areas • Experience in (i) Community Water & Sanitation Facilities; (ii) Institutional Strengthening; and (iii) Program Management. • Fluency in English (oral and writing) and computer literacy. Duration of assignment The assignment is expected to commence on the 6th January, 2014 and completed by 31st March, 2014 not exceeding 35 working days within the period. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS INTERESTED CONSULTANTS SHOULD COLLECT COPY OF THE COMPLETE TERMS OF REFERECE FROM THE NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD – LUMLEY BEACH ROAD. Qualified consultants may submit full technical and financial proposals including the following elements; 1. Cover letter; 2. Understanding of the terms of reference; 3. Complete personal curriculum vitae with 2 referees; 4. Proof of similar assignment(one or two samples of recent report); 5. Proposed Budget; In a sealed envelope labelled ‘Proposals for ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ECO-TOURISM – STDPP-EIF-TIER2 not later than 25th November, 2013 addressed to: The Admin & Human Resource Manager; National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone, Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen Freetown, Sierra Leone. Interested consultants may obtain further information from the National Tourist Board’s Reception; for information on the NTB visit Closing Date: 25th November 2013.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:47:53 +0000

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