REQUIEM FOR AN ATHEIST When someone famous like Robin Williams - TopicsExpress


REQUIEM FOR AN ATHEIST When someone famous like Robin Williams dies, often the world sees it as a tragic loss. From comments one reads, much of the tragedy seems centered not around the children or family who will be most immediately affected, but around the particulars of how the person was entertaining or provided some other substance of life that is deemed positive to the one commenting. And, there are always the comments, some more pity than others, saying Our hearts go out to his family, or Our thoughts are with his children... But, Atheists, I ask you... Why do you say such things? What effect does it have for someone who doesnt believe in the supernatural to say, our thoughts are with you at this time... In the concept of materialism, the thoughts of a materialist die before moving a centimeter from the body, so what value is there at all for an Atheist to say something like that? Does it make him feel better? If so, why? Why should it matter? That person lived their life as they chose, now its over... dust to dust, and nothing else, the materialist says with all callousness. Linked below is an open letter from Atheist (or agnostic) Richard Dawkins, in which he expresses his thoughts on the death of Robin Williams. Who benefits from his words? Not the dead, surely, for to the materialist, there is no afterlife. And for what benefit of those who remain, that they hear the words of a materialist, who believes that life is a cosmic accident, to pretend there is meaning in life? If life is the result of a cosmic accident, random chance, life has no meaning and thus, no value. In theory, logically speaking, why should it matter whether a person lived a good life -- whatever that means to a subjective moralist -- or a life filled with evil deeds. Why should it matter if one brought laughter or tears, encouragement or criticism, positive vibes or negative? To the materialist, in theory, logically speaking, none of those things should matter at all. In the linked open letter article by Dawkins, he shows little or no emotion, other than his apparent sadness that Robin Williams will no longer be around to entertain him. And, ironically, the bestselling author of The Selfish Gene, ends the article with the words, So sad. ~~~~~~~ Dawkins on Robin Williams Death: time/3103869/robin-williams-richard-dawkins/ ~~~~~~~ So sad for whom, I wonder? There was no mention of Robin Williams wife or children, or mother or close friends, or even his neighbors... Presumably the author of The Selfish Gene is lamenting his own loss of someone who might otherwise make him laugh, if he actually does such a thing. But what would laughter be to a materialist except an automated (or random) chemical response to something said, seen or heard? So, Atheists, why bother with the pithy comments following someones death? Why not just toss a handful of dirt on the coffin and say good riddance... one less mouth to feed? In another article, well-known Internet-Atheist P.Z. Myers shows even less compassion, assuming Dawkins article showed any at all. Ironically, how is it that one Atheist can criticize another for not showing compassion? Exactly what is compassion to a materialist and specifically, why would it have any positive value? In fact, how does one place a value on something non-material when one claims the non-material doesnt exist? Just wondering. But, I digress... ~~~~~~~ Criticism of PZ Myers Response to Williams Death: ~~~~~~~ So, what does any of this matter at all, and why would it warrant space on a page that proves daily that Atheism Fails? So glad you asked. Here it is... There is a difference for a Christ-believer in the mourning of one who dies. In fact, theres a HUGE difference in mourning one who dies in Christ, because the Christ-believer understands that though the temporal, physical life has ended, i.e., the body, the spirit and soul live on and will be reunited with God, to gain a new body, one impervious to disease and death. There is also a difference for the Christ-believer, in the mourning of one who dies without Christ, for it is sadness we feel that the person never found Jesus Christ and thus, died without salvation. However, there is no sadness in the fact that the person had free will, for every Christian enjoys his or her own free will -- no one would prefer to be a robot or an instinct-driven, non-rational-thinking being. But it is sad that not only did that person die without eternal salvation, it is also sad that he may have kept others, even his own children from knowing about Jesus Christ, or at least knowing the truth about Jesus. And, that is sad. The jokes Robin Williams told, like the jokes noted God-hater George Carlin told before him, expose his thoughts about God and Jesus. Sadly, its a safe assumption that Williams will face judgment without the sin paid in full receipt of the Good Counselor for his defense. Likewise, the nasty and vile words spoken by a Christopher Hitchens live on after him to echo his negative and hateful sentiments toward God and Christians. Still, the Christian finds it sad that they died without knowing Christ. Matthew 10:32-33 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven. Those who are still alive still have a choice in this moment. But none of us knows whether a next moment will follow this one. Life doesnt come with guarantees, other than the guarantee that physical death will come, and usually at a time when one isnt expecting it. Dont be foolish like those who have gone before, arrogantly shaking their fists at God on the way out. Dont mess up your chance at eternal life. Free will is yours, and salvation is ours only through Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:56:18 +0000

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