RESCUE Adopt a Dog with the Right Energy Adopting a dog is - TopicsExpress


RESCUE Adopt a Dog with the Right Energy Adopting a dog is a decision that should be made with care and deliberation. A dog is not a toy or a clothing accessory; its a living creature. The decision to adopt a dog should be treated with the same careful attention that you would use if you were deciding where to live, to have children, or whether or not to get married. Too often, people adopt a dog because it is cute or fashionable rather than based on the merits of its behavior and energy levels. In these situations, the dog may be returned to the dog rescues, shelter, kennel, or breeder, and each return is a black mark on that dogs record. It suggests that the dog is un-adoptable, and the more often a dog is returned, the more likely it is to eventually be euthanized. Evaluate Your Own Energy Level When selecting a new dog, it is vitally important to take into account how that dog’s energy will harmonize with your own. The most important step is to take some time for self-reflection and to identify what your own energy levels are. Do you wake up early every morning, pound a power bar and a health shake, and go for a run in the mountains? Or do you take life at a more leisurely pace? When energy levels conflict, resulting frustrations on the part of both human and dog can create tensions and issues with dramatic repercussions, so take into account how your energy will affect your decision. Read more: cesarsway/tips/yournewdog/finding-a-dog-with-the-right-energy#ixzz31nE2rNzx
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 14:08:14 +0000

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