RESCUED TODAY!!!!! These poor babies were found today, one of them - TopicsExpress


RESCUED TODAY!!!!! These poor babies were found today, one of them literally almost starved to death, by our friends and sisters, Mia Petroschke and Elena Nistorr. These girls were thrown from a car a month ago and have been surviving on who knows what, sleeping in the field and hiding in the corn. Our hearts are broken for all the dogs not found and for images like this to see how they’ve suffered. Romania, LISTEN!!!!! You WILL NOT TAKE THEM ALL!!!! You WILL NOT SQUEEZE LIFE from every beautiful creature that deserves to live, that wants to live! We won’t let you. Every baby we take from you is a victory of life over your death sentences, we won’t stop clawing them away from your horror fields. At this moment, I’m filled with hate and loathing and tears for these girls and all the other lonely starving babies we can’t get to. We’ll do our best, we promise, we’ll do our very best. We won’t give up on you, we won’t leave you alone. Welcome girls. Your life just changed, you’ll know it soon. Thank you are such stupid words in this situation, but it’s what we’ve got for Mia and Elena. We salute you, our sisters. If anyone would like to sponsor these girls, shout up or inbox, no amount is wasted or too small. Thank you too.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:48:18 +0000

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