RESISTANCE .... Yielding as in surrendering ones will, lifting - TopicsExpress


RESISTANCE .... Yielding as in surrendering ones will, lifting ones hands as a sign of submission. It appears that the sign of surrender, submission, yielding to the right of way no longer means the same to a person with a gun in their hands. Our society has reached a point of immoral behavior and unethical practice. The scriptures call those who serve as officers of authority minister of good ( Romans 13:1-6) however the cases of injustice before us is utterly horrid. Accountability and responsibility are no longer the order and rule of the day. Remember ... A video is no longer evidence unless party intended can actually make you disbelieve what you see! Before Rodney King beating there was abc nbc cbs news reporting the brutality of injustices of Blackman and his family. The sadness of this reality is that justice is blind because of a choice to NOT LOOK IN the direction of what is before us! Consider the word JUSTICE ..the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause. According to the scripture ... Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people! Another definition for JUSTICE ..the moral principle determining just conduct. It is obvious that our conduct is not governed by human consciousness or a God awareness or even a hint of fear of God. A quote from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” Its apparent we as a society are imploding from within. Consuming ourselves in selfishness and creating injustice and biases and partiality at any given moment. I cant breathe is a sign that they should have resisted in their act of aggression. What happens when a department law for those upholding the law have no accountability for their action. And are released of their derelict duty . Its happening all over this USA and though all the world is watching in horror and disbelief and others believing in each cases they deserved the outcome of lost lives lost futures. Its appalling that a hood breeds suspicion, hands raise is a sign of defiance and the whispers of a man who cant breathe is not a sign to call for 911 but an unction to squeeze tighter. Our condition has worsen over periods of time unchecked behavior and sin. We have come to believe that we are righteous in our own lives and that we are accountable to no one but ourselves. We are on the cusp of destruction from within and without Ferguson is a disgrace, New York is a travesty and what we face as a nation is demonic. Everybody is not RIGHT .. But the truth of the matter is that somebody is WRONG. Dead wrong #blacklivesmatter
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:39:47 +0000

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